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Business Consultant. LIve in Manchester, United Kingdom. Speak Russian/English. Love Business.
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Communication model

When someone see your business, in 99% he is not trust your business. He will not buys. First he notice and confirm your presence. So in many cases, when we speak with new businesses, they think that customer not buy, but reality is customer will not buy from no one new on the market, in many cases. So first, customer ...your potential customer, just see and observes you. Not try to make him buying, you will scare him. Let him look at your presence. Next step he is getting knowledge about you. He use his own personal experience to confirm if he can trust you, if it fits with his knowledge base about the product you offer, maybe asking some questions about your business and so on. The next thing it happens inside of his brain is the process called short he makes decision from all factors if he likes you or not. Then if he likes you, he confirm his expectations and needs. If your business products, fit with his expectations about the product, like quality, type, and other psychological and physical things. Next and the last important signal happens in his mind, it is decision to trust (buy your product today or next day) or not to trust (not to buy your product). So at the end, I just want to say you, that if customer not buys your product now, or if he not communicate with your business, it doesn't explain anything...if he likes you or not...he needs time. Everybody needs time in order to make proper decision. So be patient and do not make judgement straight away when customer not makes any decision. It doesn't prove anything. In same time, never stop developing your communication model for everyday changing customer needs and market. 

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Price strategyIf you imagine lets say 10 products. They have all the same price. Which number wil...

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Developing new way of thinking

Not to prove something to someone is most successful innovative thinking, if you notice. If you keep proving someone something about the strategy, or overall business operations, it is means that you do not have enough power to make decision and that is no good. If you want to move your business forward , then you need to start doing something new what you never did before. That innovative thinking comes from idea generation. You have idea and want to implement it, but then you start looking for references about this it good or not. You start talking with people, much trust to other people in business doesn't bring success. You need to have your own stamina. If you risk, then risk, without someone's opinion. The concept of this ideas can be tested. If you believe it works, then why not invest little bit before something big. That way you will reduce the risk. The next step you need to advertise your idea. Advertise I mean not spending money on something to advertise, but talking your idea to people who will be supporting your business, your new ideas, your new implementations. First they criticise you, its normal, but over time they will look on your confidence and follow...people always need leader to follow...for majority of people. The last step it is watching how your new way of thinking matching your business strategy and affect performance. While watching new idea implementation, it is advisable to use adjustments over the course, like strategy alignment or business cycle redesign. If it gives results, then why need to implement something new, or you will stay forever on the same level. New networks, money, business growth doesn't come if you comes from doing something new. And to do something new, you need develop new way of thinking. The thinking new way and doing new way comes together. That what I call...action. Only action give you results, otherwise it not happens.

This Saturday I have event on Facebook, where we will be discussing with people and you about business problems. You can talk about your problems in business. If you want, just put that you are going on event (Bestnes business page, in events ). You are welcome to meet new people interesting in business. Not adverts, no promotional, no scam. Only business talk.

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Building strong brand

Position coming first in brand building. People has to recognise you somehow over others. Try to imagine if they do not know you. So, to make people know you you need to be recognised...and that is your position over other businesses. You have to have attributes...same as your personality. Some people like you, some don't like you, but that what they likes it called in business attributes. People need to like your business for something to make your business special for them. In that , I would say, mind game, where some people likes, some do not like, people want to see the benefits for them. You know something what getting them to experience emotion...even love or smile, but emotion. Brand should bring clear benefits for them and you should know how to make it work better and better over the time....people like change, you know, they want more and become better and better...that how brand helps business to grow. It grows separately and in same time, but separately...your band and your business. Brand also can be written or build from your believes and values. That should be core of branding, but over time it can shift for better. Over the time you can start branding multiple products...even in small shop can be executed many branding strategies...some of them for one type of the customer, some for another. Be multiple. The hardest and most exiting in business development it is general rule....”Never Be Satisfied”. You constantly continue developing and grow in knowledge, in side, in some type of skills...but growing and that is never ending journey in the business world.

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Sending signals to the customerIf your product cost one price and in another shop product cost di...

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Product is not product

In terms of the meaning product, actually not product...what actually you sell and what customers buys it is call core values. You create meaning for something and call it product. If we cut meaning into tiny bits, then after you will be able to see what you actually buy and what you sell. So lets start. You not interesting to buy something what do not have core values for you. Customer is the same. To sell something you need to create ...maybe story about the product , maybe choose, but it has to generate and explain values for the customer. That core values what you will be selling can be wrapped in something. That create additional values for the core values. It can be lets say..package or additional extra something what makes higher in value that core values and supports its value. choose how you represent this whole crafted thing to the customer. Design gives you additional opportunity to raise the price. Some customers like something...unrealistic. So jump into that. Try. That whole thing should have quality...of product, of service, of material, of communications and so on. Give this to your customer if he happy to pay for quality. More and more customers consider quality as the you can add it. What is your brand name?...well..put it somewhere...over the time that name will start making for you little bit extra. Warranty of your service should be high. Customer should trust you. Customer always have right to return. That is key services to promote your growth. And yes...I forgot last things....That everything I just told you should be inside of you.

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