Detailing the Realm profile
Detailing the Realm
Detailing the Realm
I create digital area and battle maps for Forgotten Realms, which people use with VTTs or at a table. All of my maps come with multiple versions and formats to support as many people as possible.
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Displaying posts with tag NobleFamily.Reset Filter
Detailing the Realm
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Artemel Family Villa Grounds

Map Overview

With this release I am continuing with the family villas in Waterdeep. I skipped over the Anteos family because I need to remeasure the map to make sure my building dimensions are right, their villa has a lot of odd angles. As the title explains this is the Artemel villa in Waterdeep off Sul Street. I have a DM's map with numbers on it that correspond to the descriptions below:

  1. Main House: this is where the patriarch and matriarch live and where the family host parties.
  2. Guest House: this is where the Artemel family puts up guests that need to stay for a period of time.
  3. Servants House: this is where the servants for the family live and entertain themselves when not working for the family.
  4. Tertiary Family House: this building is where the least important family members reside.
  5. Guard House: this is where the Artemel family house their guards and weaponry.
  6. Secondary Family House: this building is where the sons and daughters of the current ruling family members reside with their family or by themselves.

Map Options

Each map is 36 X 32 squares and without lighting, because most VTTs support adding lighting to a map. I create several versions of each map based on if it is a city or terrain map. I create a summer and winter version of city maps and grass, sand, snow, and forest versions for terrain maps where it makes sense.

I have created several map variant combinations from these original maps and grouped them into 7zip files for download. I group the download links by file extension first; currently, I export maps into the WEBP and PDF file formats. I then group the WEBP downloads by the audience (dungeon master or players), grid type (with and without), and color contrast/brightness (original and high contrast). I group the PDF downloads using the WEBP groups and these other PDF groups and page size (Letter for US and A4 for EU) and border (small 0.25-inch border or no border).

I created the maps using Forgotten Adventures asset packs. I am a patron of Forgotten Adventures, and fifty percent of your Patreon donations support Forgotten Adventures' continued asset development. You will need 7zip to extract the images of PDFs.

Below are the various image and PDF download groups. A file in the WEBPs section named players no contrast no grid contains all of the city or terrain images for players with the original color contrast and no grid. A file in the PDFs section named dm high-contrast full-grid letter small-border contains all city or terrain images for a dungeon master in high contrast with grid squares every inch in the letter page size with a 0.25-inch border.

File Downloads


  1. high contrast full grid A4 no border
  2. high contrast full grid Letter no border
  3. high contrast no grid A4 no border
  4. high contrast no grid Letter no border
  5. no contrast full grid A4 no border
  6. no contrast full grid Letter no border
  7. no contrast no grid A4 no border
  8. no contrast no grid Letter no border


  1. high contrast full grid
  2. high contrast no grid
  3. no contrast full grid
  4. no contrast no grid


  1. high contrast full grid
  2. high contrast no grid
  3. no contrast full grid
  4. no contrast no grid
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