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creating 'Infinite Stars', an amare sci-fi visual novel.
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Your contribution will help us write more, draw more, and release more content!

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Devlog 2024-03-15

Another busy  (two) week(s), and another Friday to report on it.
I'll share some of what we've been up to! (Veera's intimate scene is still... on its way. Been banging my head against a wall with some writers block on her ff scene as I don't want it to be 'just another smut scene')
We're adding another new player portrait.
(All of our Captain+ patrons and subscribestars get their own custom drawn portrait added to the game, either of themselves, or of their OC)
We have several new audio tracks, and I took the liberty to attach one of them to this post!(The track is one of Sonia's new themes.)
We're adding two new Cephilusk twins for your Mah'Abeu to run into while looking for the elusive Naaka.
These two are from the Khaelbesh Cephilusk tribe, and I've included a short excerpt from the upcoming content.


A large Cephilusk had bumped into me, almost knocking me to the floor, but they just kept on walking. Andreas turned to her and shouted."Rude!"The Cephilusk woman stopped and turned towards Andreas, her eye needling in his direction as she rose on her hind tentacles. I suddenly felt an immense sense of dread pressing against my throat."Did the shrimp spit on my honour?""No– My apologies, he didn't mean it.""Let the manling speak for himself Mahlabeu.""I meant it. I spit on your honour! No one insults my faiyarga! Now apologise to them."The Cephilusk inched closer towards Andreas– alku'ahf– She– She was going to pounce and snap his neck."You aren't in Sol anymore. Yumans should know their place when they aren't in Sol."She spat in his direction and leapt into the air– but Andreas was expecting her movement and dodged out of the way, tripping and falling to the floor as he did so."Come closer little yuman shrimp so I can peel your skin from your face! Let me pull your innards through your mouth and dangle you over my birthing pool for my young to nibble on your entrails."I knew that voice– I knew this woman, but how?"Bold threats from a Kahlbeara as ugly as you."

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
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Devlog 2024-02-23 (Custom Content Workshop)

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Devlog 2024-02-16

Thank you to everyone who has been playing and rating Infinite Stars! <3

I've spent the week fixing typos bugs and adding some more content. (The start of Tabitha's arc is now in the internal devbuild, with more written but not yet coded content on its way.)

I've also been getting more of the music ready for new/existing content as promised. (If you're on the Discord's patron channel you might have seen a sneak peek of the new tracks)

I know I've been planning to take a day or two off after the launch, but I haven't found the time yet, though my wife and I are officially on leave today for the funeral. (I snuck away for a few minutes while getting ready and dressed to write this post!)

Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend, and thank you for everything! <3
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Devlog 2024-02-09 (Episode 4 - Part 1 is out NOW! )

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Devlog 2024-02-02

It's Friday! That means it's almost weekend! It ALSO means that the wait for the next Infinite Stars release is almost over.

God willing, we'll have the release ready before Valentine's day!

The Beta tester feedback has started rolling in, and the results are fantastic. Everyone seems to love the upcoming content, and the majority of the issues are small and easy to fix. I have about two pages of beta tester requests that I'm trying to implement, mostly stuff like the option to react like this when that happens etc.

That said, if you are one of the remaining Beta Testers who hasn't yet played through the content and given feedback, time is running out! For those of you that have given your feedback, thank you so much! We're humbled by all the kind words and constructive feedback!

I don't have too much more to share without spoilers, but I can say that we're working day (and sometimes night) to get everything done! I'll leave you with this screenshot from Episode 4 while I get back to the tester feedback…

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Devlog 2024-01-26 (Calling all Beta Testers)

Hay, Hoy, It's Friday! That means devlog time!

This week has been much of the same– we're working super hard on the next content release!

All the planned main story line content for this batch has been coded. Most of the expressions have been done. I'm still working on the lore items for the game, which is coming together nicely! We're planning on having a total of 20 unlockable lore entries on release, with many more to come.

Talking about the lore items, here is a preview of what they'll look like once unlocked.

Tae is working on two surprise player portraits for all of you.

Stoffies is busy finishing up the last of the old backgrounds.

Crowbie is still on a well deserved break for the next 2-3 months.

Trix was invaluable in helping with the story controller for the system navigation screen!

I'm writing and coding like a madman, and I'm slowly shifting gears to focus on the launch preparations.

We've got 6 new tracks in the making, and I received the first track's draft earlier today. It's looking promising.

If you want to be considered as a Beta Tester for the upcoming content release, please apply over here! We have limited spots available, so don't wait too long!
In other news, some of you might recall our Spooktober 2023 Visual Novel Jam entry, and as it turns out we finished in the top 2% (4th place!) The jam entry was coded as a HRM (one of the player made mods that Tabitha can run as a simulation) and we'll integrate it into the full game as a triggerable seasonal event during October/Halloween.

As you can see, it's been a busy week, made possible by all of our amazing fans and patrons! We love you all to bits!
Have a fantastic weekend, stay safe and I can't wait to share the new content with all of you!

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