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Joachim Bartoll
Joachim Bartoll
Animal-Based Nutritionist, Body Transformation Specialist, Bodybuilding, Fitness & Health Coach since 1995, Writer, Author & Speaker. More than 25 years of experience.
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Joachim Bartoll

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive?

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Joachim Bartoll
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10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020

  • Vegetables are healthy and contains usable vitamins and minerals
  • Carbohydrates are necessary for muscle growth and performance
  • High protein is bad for your kidneys
  • A calorie is a calorie
  • Humans need fiber for digestion and bowel movements
  • Fruit is healthy and contains usable vitamins and minerals
  • Supplements can help you burn fat
  • You need to detox or cleanse
  • Animal foods are unhealthy
  • Cholesterol is dangerous
  1. Plants cannot run away from predators. Therefore, they have developed several sinister defense mechanisms to prevent them from being eaten. These include toxins that are highly poisonous in larger quantities, antinutrients that block nutrients from being absorbed and can cause cellular damage, and phytoestrogens that will make the predator infertile. As for vitamins and minerals, none of these are in bioavailable form and must be converted in our bodies. The bioconversion rate is between 4 and 12%, making all plant foods a useless source of nutrition. Plants/vegetables also completely lack vitamin A, vitamin B6 & B12, vitamin D, vitamin F, cholesterol, heme-iron, CLA, and CoQ10.

  2. Our body has this clever metabolic pathway known as gluconeogenesis that produces glucose from the breakdown of lipids and proteins. This process is more than capable of keeping you fueled during intense activity. You do not need inflammatory carbs in order to produce glucose.

  3. A high protein consumption is not bad for a healthy person’s kidneys. Only people with damaged kidneys need to limit their protein intake.

  4. Our body does not count calories. It only reacts to the nutrients we absorb. A calorie from meat, which is extremely nutrition packed, will impact you very different than a calorie from a plant food that has no bioavailable nutrition at all. And we can break down this further and compare fatty acids, amino acids and other nutritional elements. Focus on nutrient dense foods. Calories should be the least of your worries.

  5. Humans do not need fiber. Our digestive tract is not designed for it. Fiber hold on to water, prevents absorption of minerals, and can have a laxative effect – speeding up the elimination of food and thereby reduce absorption of nutrients even further – or it can clog you up, increasing inflammation and damaging the colon. Fiber are the main causes of constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and colon cancer.
     If fiber clogs you up and delay digestion, you can also experience indigestion (dyspepsia), heartburn (GERD), gastritis (the inflammation of the stomach‘s mucosal membrane), peptic ulcers, and enteritis (the inflammation of the intestinal mucosal membrane).

  6. No, just as all plants, fruits contain defense mechanisms such as salicylates, tannins, and extremely toxic aldehydes. And while fructose is totally useless, all carbohydrate-rich plants contain deuterium, or ‘heavy water’. Deuterium binds to the energy process in our cell’s mitochondria, robbing us of energy while increasing oxidation. In other words, deuterium damages our cells and decreases our energy production, lowering our performance. 

  7. Sorry, fat burner supplements are one of the biggest scams in the diet industry. Save your money for nutrient dense animal foods.

  8. Detox or cleansing diets and supplements are a scam. By following a nutrient dense diet, your body is fully capable of detoxing itself. All you need is a functional liver. If needed, fasting will speed-up this process.

  9. Animal-based foods are the only source of bioavailable vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, and saturated fats and cholesterol. Animal foods are the most nutrient dense and healthiest foods we can consume.

  10. All our cells are made from cholesterol. All our hormones are made from cholesterol. You need cholesterol to produce vitamin D3. Your brain needs lots of cholesterol or it will shrink and give you memory problems, Alzheimer’s, and make you mentally ill. The more cholesterol you have, the longer you are going to live! Those with low cholesterol are weaker, unhealthy, get heart diseases, have mental problems and die more often when cardiovascular issues arise.
    Cholesterol is also used to repair your arteries. If you have high cholesterol, it’s because your body is trying to repair itself. If you take cholesterol-lowering medication, you are hindering your body from healing and you will endanger your health.

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Joachim Bartoll
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My Story – Part 1

Here it is, the first unedited part of my story. It’s about my journey through the worst years of my life. How I bounced back, reversed tumors, repaired my failing organs, and reclaimed my health. How it changed my view on diet and nutrition, on disease and health, and on life itself. And how I had to unlearn most of what I previously believed in.

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Joachim Bartoll

How to lay the foundation to fat loss

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Joachim Bartoll

Human Growth Hormone

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Joachim Bartoll

Know your poison: Goitrogens

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Joachim Bartoll

Know your poison: Phytic Acid

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Joachim Bartoll

Meat and animal products. It’s not only about protein, ya know…

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Joachim Bartoll

Know your poison: Saponins

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