Like a Villain profile
Like a Villain
Like a Villain
Welcome to the subscriber page for the podcast "Like a Villain"
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Show subscribers can see the complete episodes including the fifteen minute guest introduction and our post-show conversations... some of which may go for hours.

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Hey, if you really want to help out, kick in a few more bucks each month and we'll give you a shout-out by name at the end of each episode!

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You're one of the smart, intellectual types and you've got ideas... you want to share them... be a part of things rather than just watching. That's why you want to get involved... to actually be a part of the show... to have a voice in how it's made. So do it.

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  • By subscribing you’ll be able to view the complete version of each show including the 15 minute intro and the after-show conversation with every guest... one week before they're launched on other sites!

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Like a Villain
Public post
Welcome to my SubscribeStar page. Here you can sign up to help support the show and get access to the complete episodes, each of which includes a fifteen minute intro with the guest plus the post-show conversations for each episode.

I really appreciate your support and look forward to producing a lot of fun and interesting shows for you.
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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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