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Nurse Gone Natural
Nurse Gone Natural
Trusted content for important information about Immune Health along a wide variety of Holistic/Integrative Health and Wellness topics.
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Better Late Than Never!

Heeyyyy!!!! I am so sorry for the delay guys! I wanted to get this out WEEKS ago, but so many things blocked it from actually happening. No excuses, but circumstances. However, here we are and here we go!

Let me just say first of all THANK YOU to every single one of you that are with me here on my SS Newsletter. I have been attempting to find a way to stay connected to those who want to stay connected, educate, discuss, etc...but also do it in a way that is a fair exchange of energy. That is why you will see the tiers and the paid subscription options. Please read the descriptions & choose whatever is best for you! Either way, you will get regular quality content. The goal is to post weekly, however, I can't post weekly for every single tier, that would be insane lol. Obviously the tier that covers covid is going to be a hot one right now due to my specific specialty with Virology & people wanting the breakdown and info from me. I am extremely honored to be a trusted source of information for people, and I promise to never take that for granted. To be CRYSTAL CLEAR though, that does not mean that I do not have my own opinions, views, beliefs, etc...I absolutely do! This is why my Newslewtter can't (and I just also do not want it to be) written like an academic paper (ewww). There will be references and sources when available. It is important for people to understand that many many of us out here have gained a lot of knowledge & real world experience over the years that we can't give you a source to. This is when the responsibility is on you, and I say that in a very loving and kind guidance type of tone. My recent Facebook post is the perfect example of this. Are there sources out there regarding what I said? You better believe it! Decades old & from a variety of sources all over the world that have told us this, hence why it is TRUSTED science. I have also worked with, been educated by and spoken to experts who have confirmed what I wrote. How can I possibly source that? As I encouraged some very disagreeing fols on IG, all you have to do is take some time to look into it & I am always happy to give some guidance on how to do that which is an entirely different subject we WILL be covering here to do some basic quality research and discern for yourself what you feel is the best path for you. Some believe there is only one truth to this kind of information. Nope! That is why there is so much healthy debate in the world of science, even non-medical science. As it should be!

So, lets get to the good stuff!

let me just say that now that we have a new variant, there is new info coming out literally multiple times a day. Of course, it comes along right as I am trying to get this Newsletter started lol. So, you may read something here one day and it could very well be different in my next update. So, understand that a lot of the recent info will be in real world time. I will do my best to guide you through the mess.

I do want to touch on a few things right now about Omicron first...

  • It is more than likely going to be more infectious than any other variant thus far. That does NOT mean it is more severe. In fact, history has shown us, the more infectious a virus is, the less severe it is. Another word for severe in virology is virulent. I want you guys to understand some of these terms because it actually is important if your goal is to gain some long-lasting learning.

VIRULENCE - the severity or harmfulness of a disease or poison

It doesn't seem that lucky would be the proper term to use, but I can promise you, humanity has been lucky when it comes to this mess. Even when things were at their worst, the truth is, the virulence was never extreme compared to so may other ways this could have gone. Just look at SARS & MERS, both HIGHLY virulent coronaviruses.

  • Omicron is a wildfire that cannot will not be stopped or slowed. It is just too dang infectious. Again, not a bad thing. I also want to point out that so far they are saying the incubation period is most likely shorter. Whereas we have gone from starting with an up to 14 day incubation period, to a 7-10 day, to a 3-5 day. THIS IS ALL A GOOD SIGN! Influenza is 24-72 hours depending on the strain. It is another sign that we are adapting well and it is adapting to us. The one and only goal of a virus is SURVIVAL! If it kills the host, it will not survive. It wants to adapt and coronaviruses adapat very rapidly due to their rapid rate of mutation.

  • As of about 5 hours ago, there were 336 cases in the UK & ZERO hospitalizations due to Omicron variant currently. ZERO! Yes, that will change, but it speaks volumes.

  • Keep in mind that we know that case # is much higher because it spreads fast and that’s only the folks that have been actually tested. It does not represent those who are sick and have not been tested and does not account for false negatives. Furthermore, PCR is roughly 30-40% effective with a new variant. I believe it was about 60-70% with the original and that is me being generous. I believe PCR is only truly reliable if you are symptomatic and +. That is my opinion for all PCR tests we have and use regularly. Moreover, I am not a huge fan of relying on them heavily, though I don't think they are as horrible as everyone makes them out to be. They just should not be a concrete diagnosis tool. They were not meant to be. They were meant to complement a full assessment. Symptomology is always key, but it is a lost art these days.

  • Omicron is going to spread fast...I have said this above, but I want to make it very clear to you because I don't want you caught off guard if you do follow any media. Yes, cases are going to be booming! That is NOT what you need to watch though. Seriously I am asking you to COMPLETELY IGNORE CASES in the US or wherever you are reading this from! Sounds crazy right? It isn't I promise! This is a fast moving virus and we are seeing very good trends in regards to severity. Although that COULD change, it is unlikely too since it is new, it should be more virulent right now, not later. If you have followed any of my posts about virology, or taken a previous class, then you know that the MORE a virus interacts with the human immune system, the more is adapts to it and the very opposite of that is also true. The more that we, the human population, interact with the virus, OUR immune system adapts to it. Which comes first? I have no idea! However, I prefer to agree with some of my favorite teachings of virology and that is that it is a little of both, the balance of both, the commonality of survival being all that matters to both our biology & viruses. It is nature's balance and rather than working with her, greed & power decides to attempt to outsmart her. It never works. Just sayin!

  • What you can keep an eye on, which is very different than every single day watching all the news outlets & reading everything you can on it, is prevalence in your area. If prevalence is low, you can gauge risk for exposure. If prevalence is high, you are obviously at more risk for exposure & should take better precautions if you feel that this best for you.

  • My prediction is that Omicron will more than likely hit the elderly and truly immunocompromised the hardest. Children do not fit into that category unless they are on chemo, disabled and can't move freely, etc...Obviously there are truly immunocompromised children out there, it is just not the majority of the children that will come into contact with this variant. Some can argue, and I would agree to a point, that due to diet and lifestyle factors, most are immunocompromised on some level. However, when it comes to acute illness, the average child that may not have the best diet, is not truly immunocompromised. It is more of a lack of quick and efficient immune response, but they do not actually deal with infections on a level of a truly, by definition, compromised immune system. We will speak more on that in later updates too.

The next delivery will be Friday with my must haves on hand, and a few other topics. I will be integrating video and audio as soon as I figure out how to do I think that will make it a lot easier for the longer posts.

In love, truth & health,


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