
Creative Jane
Writing is my first love.
1 publicação
TyTalks is dedicated to making everything better. Through statistics and philosophy, we can develop a plan to increase everyone's status and abilities by becoming better.
Pam Curtis
I do book clubs, bible studies & the occasional personal video.
Reflections of My Toxic Family
Podcasts: Reflections of My Toxic Family. Sharing true personal experiences of my toxic family, including stories from childhood as well as today. I also speak of ways of coping and re-finding the Real You. Release date: 1st September 2021
31 dias
 Período de Confiança
6 publicação
Ethos Ananda Wisdom
Ancient Wisdom for Modern People. Practical wisdom is the foundation, and ceiling, of our lives. The apex of Western philosophy and Eastern wisdom is what we offer here. Ethos from Aristotle, and Ananda of Krishna!
Evolutionary psychology, exploration, and wisdom. Embrace your primal instincts. Champion the tribe.

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