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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Okay, so just a quick update...

Just to say that I'm still about, and I'm starting to get the ball rolling again! I'm going to write a mega post (with splits) explaining what my plans are for my Stormhaven Media sub-brands (Stormkeeper), as well as everything going on with it as a whole, because it all will factor into my plans and schedule; as I have to update multiple platforms at once, I first need to draft up a basic document to cover everything that I can copy-paste everywhere with more ease!

Additionally, I would like to say that some major stuff is happening from April, after I've sorted out my move, and have (finally) rebuilt my PC! Additionally, I need time to start up a new schedule, to work out how best to fit everything in, as well as rolling out things at a more consistent pace and such... hopefully, I'll be able to get some stuff sorted soon in that regard, so at least I've a foundation to work from!

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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Schedule update & additional notes for Hive/Ko-Fi/Subscribestar/Steem

Okay folks, new update.

This week has been pretty rough for me for various reasons, so I've decided that I'll not be doing any videos until the proper start next week, as my energy will instead be put into a successful proper relaunch! I've updated the times to reflect the new schedule which was announced earlier this week! I'll be also taking steps to make things easier for me moving forward, but this will take more time to fully sort out, especially due to current & future circumstances!

With regards to updates on Hive/Ko-Fi/Subscribestar, I've really only been able to consistently update via Mastodon/Twitter, as they're the easiest to update, and even my presence on Mind has suffered as a result. I'm going to need time to get a system sorted because things have not been going as smoothly as I'd hoped I am going to try and do "week start" and "week end" for everywhere, especially places where there is no schedule, such as Ko-Fi and also Steem, which I've put at the back of my mind completely as of late. Things will get streamlined, but I feel like it'll take time. Hopefully, I can get stuff mostly sorted by the end of September, which is technically my "get the ball rolling properly" month in time for October, which is when the fun (in many ways) truly begins!

Anyway, expect things to (hopefully have) a higher hit rate in terms of published videos, but I'm going to update the calendar now to say that October is when things properly take off! Coincidentally, you can consult the calendar here: Updates will always be made to the calendar first, so check back to ensure that you are up to date with any schedule revisions, as well as also checking the hourly window (now including Odysee) when videos will be publish, first on YouTube, then Odysee about an hour later!

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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Evidently, the past few days have been a bit hectic and/or screwy for me, so I again missed a deadline for an IsaacStorm video! I’m going to try and work something out for tomorrow now, but I’m not willing to solidly commit to anything for the remainder of this week at least; I will gradually get back on track, but I’m having to get used to doing things again after over a year of being out of the loop! In any case, expect this week to be a bit ropey for published videos, although I’m hoping to have at least one episode out on Thursday or Saturday! In any case, watch out for the notifications on social media and/or other relevant platforms!

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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Well, this is embarrassing...

Turns out that I messed up the audio channels on the last 2 videos I did... not happy about this, so I, unfortunately, will have to start back from scratch this time regarding the videos! The videos themselves I'm happy enough with, but without my commentary (which didn't appear to be recorded, the series falls flat on its face! I won't delete the videos, but they need to be sorted into the Xtras playlist because they aren't what I'd want to start the restarted series with, as things were supposed to be improved in some form! this, therefore, means that Tuesday will have the first proper episode, but I'll upload the video I recorded for Episode 1 and flag it (and 0) as "gameplay videos", as opposed to actual let's plays; keep in mind also that the game sound is pretty quiet too because the volume needed to be lower than my voice in order to facilitate my commentary!

Expect changes/uploads to be made on Monday, with the proper Episode 1 video dropping on Tuesday at 23:00 hours! On the plus side, I at least have everything set up for the new series to go live properly on Tuesday now! Also, I'm going to again reset my progress because there needs to be consistency with the series; I'm just going to outright reset behind the scenes and acknowledge it in Episode 1 proper because at this point, I'm a little bit annoyed at having things go wrong after spending so much time on stuff!

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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Some updates and future plans

Okay, so I'm going to be a bit erratic with uploading IsaacStorm videos this month, due to essentially trying to rearrange stuff to work more efficiently. I'm looking at maybe doing some unboxings of stuff I get in the post from around September, which is a couple of months away, I know, but I need time to get everything set up! Going back to the videos though, I'm going to pretty much aim for the nearest regular slot I'm able to aim for, rather than saying when or if a video will be uploaded because I don't have as much energy as I'd like to record at present, so I'll probably end up doing something a bit intermittent for this month, possibly next depending on how things go. This also means that I'm going to hold off on doing daily Isaac videos till at least February/March, whilst I work on a schedule incorporating a second game too, which I'll need to work out how I'm going to go about doing it. I'm still thinking of doing Dungeon Hack, although it's likely that I'll have to do the game without music, and just suggest that you choose your own music to play with it, as I'm realising I'll drive myself nuts if I end up trying to find the perfect music to go with the game, plus it means you have a choice of accompanying music from your end!

Anyway, expect that IsaacStorm videos will be going up, but do keep an eye on the usual outlets at around midnight on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday; if there isn't anything up by that time, assume that this time it's been a miss! I'm giving this heads-up now in order for me to save energy up for doing future videos and schedules, plus there are only so many times I can say the same thing. At least by setting the expectations of adhering to the normally scheduled time slots in some fashion means that you have a better idea of how things are going, as eventually, I'll be back to normal posting, but right now, I just want to try to get my PC transfer/upgrades done, as well as bringing my server properly into the fold, along with my workstation, as this will help me streamline things down the line. additionally, I'll be getting a connection upgrade sometime this month, so that may result in some downtime for a short period, but I will be getting a slightly faster upload speed; in addition to the upgrade from 15 Meg to 30 Meg, I'll be getting an upgrade to 40m Meg due to a connection upgrade, as well as getting 5 additional IP addresses, which will allow me to do some interesting things down the line!

Anyway, I do hope to be getting back to my regular schedule eventually, but in the meantime, I'm going to try to aim for at least one video a week minimum, though I'm not sure if it should be on a specific day, or whatever day I can manage. I do also need to start being a little less strict with my requirements for videos too, because I can't keep on doing the haphazard approach I have been doing in the past and discarding a lot of videos, seeing as I end up spending hours on something and having nothing to show for it! I am going to aim for a minimum of 35 minutes per video, and ignore the maximum time it takes for a run or series of runs as I feel like worrying about that probably has an effect on my performance somewhat too! I do have other things planned down the line, most notably with 'Storm's Lab' and 'Storm's Workshop', but nothing I can really reveal till I've sorted out enough space for things, especially as I'm not sure myself what's going to happen with it, but I do hope to do some things with 3D printing, most notably setting up Octoprint with a mini 3D printer and setting a webcam on it to allow people to watch the print happening (in theory at least).

I do also want to start streaming me repairing/cleaning/refurbing/etc various bits of hardware too, but that might take a little while longer, as I need to work out a camera setup, as well as making sure I protect my table and can facilitate a decent streaming setup somehow as well. Anyway, I'm going to stop it here for now, as I need to go and think about what needs to be done to make things easier and more efficient for me moving forward. I do also want to pick up my copies of Savage and Railroad Tycoon II Gold Edition from storage as well, so I can put them in the Linux box. I do also have plans for my Pentium MMX project, now I can almost get a preliminary trial to build going with that, plus I want to also start sorting out storage for it and the retro laptops I have to work on eventually; I have the 4 enclosures I need now, so I can replace the HDDs with SSDs eventually, although I do want to research other upgrades such as RAM, the CPUs, and GPUs, as well as making sure I have everything I need to clean everything!

I do have many plans that are almost ready to go, but they need space to be worked on, let alone filmed, so that's something else I'll be working on too! In any case, I know that it's probably a bit disappointing to have me not release any videos after almost 2 weeks, but at least you have something consistent to work from, plus I'm going to give once a week (not this week) posting a go. In the meantime though, I'll try to keep you all updated on any major developments.

Until next time, take care and see you all later on.

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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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New video published: "IsaacStorm Repentance - Episode #26"

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