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I primarily draw animals. My current bigger project is to draw a graphic novel of Lemuria.
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Bomber bat! 

Learned some wierd history about an experiment that took place in World War II when scientist tried to turn bats into viable incendiary bombs. It was a failed attempt of course, because bats couldn't be trained same as pigeons. The bats' intented target were the Japanese, but pretty much it was the scientists base that got bombed in the end. It's funny how this crack-pot plan got approved even the begin with.

These were drawn for a tattoo course I took a part in. The design is available as a sticker at Redbubble.
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Finding my inner animator

I recently had a chance to try out animation at school. It was only a week long course, so there wasn't much time to do much anything spectacular, especially on your own. However, it did give me a push to download Stop Motion Studio on my phone and do another try out at home. I probably have way too many interests in different arts, that it would be so much easier just to focus on only a craft or two, but I guess I'm the type of person who can't keep away their fingers from many pies.

The one I did for school is also up in my YT channel! 
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Year of the Dragon 2024

As the Chinese New Year draws near, this art is now public to everyone.

Happy Year of the Dragon!
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Earless monitor lizard wip

This is an acrylic painting on paper that I've been working on every now and then. I can get a painting done pretty fast when I have a good vision in my minds eye, but in cases like this one, the progress goes by a snail's pace. Something about getting the tones anywhere near I want them to be, or how am I going to paint the body of water has been giving me uncertainty. But it's getting there. Anyway, hoping to get this done sooner than later. I recently learned about a pretty cool blue-eyed lizard that lives in Borneo and I really want to have some art done on this critter.

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Year of the Dragon 2024

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Cozy cappies

I love these kiwi dogs, I love how they have their warm, cozy fruit baths. I hope you do too.  A digital painting done with Krita.
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