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Everything is Normal! Nothing to See Here, Folks! Mass Heart Conditions in Young! Lifting The Veil
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INCREDIBLE #Science of Cold & Hot Water! #Hydrotherapy Effects & Biohacking

This will be part of an important video coaching series that I plan to continue on the significance of the great #lymphatic system in #health, #nutrition, #lifestyle, #fitness and so much more! See the video above for how to use this POWERFULL and simple practice in your daily routine! 

See the video above for how to use this POWERFULL and simple practice in your daily routine! 
Hydrotherapy , also known as hydropathy is one of the most ancient therapeutic healing practices known to man. Even other species such as the Japanese Macaque regularly partake in the benefits and pleasures of hydropathy as they soak in the hot springs while also enduring the extreme winter weather.  "Hydrotherapy involves the use of water for overall health maintenance, detoxification and treatment of disease . The term encompasses a broad range of approaches and therapeutic methods that take advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases   "Hydrotherapy is used to treat many illnesses and conditions including: 
  • acne 
  • arthritis 
  • colds 
  • depression 
  • headaches 
  • stomach problems 
  • joint, muscle, and nerve problems 
  • sleep disorders 
  • stress 

It is also commonly used for relaxation and to maintain a person’s state of health. Hydrotherapy is also excellent for reducing or relieving sudden or long-lasting pain. 

Benefits of Hydrotherapy 

The benefits of hydrotherapy include: 

  • dramatically increasing the elimination of waste, thus assisting detoxification 
  • loosening tense, tight muscles and encouraging relaxation 
  • increasing the metabolic rate and digestion activity 
  • hydrating the cells, improving skin and muscle tone 
  • boosting the immune system, allowing it to function more efficiently 
  • improving the function of the internal organs by stimulating their blood supply"

    Contraindications: If you have severe conditions, make sure to consult with your physician beforehand.  Check the list of contraindications here >

Read more:  The healing properties of hydrotherapy are based on its mechanical and/or thermal effects. Some of the key mechanisms of hydrotherapy include vasodilation and vasoconstriction. These cause changes in blood flow and associated metabolic functions, via physiological mechanisms, including those of thermoregulation."  It makes use of the body’s reaction to hot and cold stimuli, to the protracted application of heat, to the pressure exerted by the water, and to the sensation of the water itself. Nerves carry what is felt by the skin deeper into the body, where it is then vital in stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress hormones, improving circulation and digestion, encouraging the flow of blood, and lessening the body’s sensitivity to pain.   

All of nature pulses between polarities and seeks rest at the equilibrium between those polarities. The controlled fluctuation between extreme temperatures helps extend our capacity to sink even deeper into the state of balance, neutrality and stability between those extremes and helps us strengthen our nerves, on the mental, emotional, and physical level, in order to harness greater strength, endurance and stamina, as well as handle greater amounts of stress in our lives. 

Training our bodies to thermoregulate under extremes, involves a hard reset of the Autonomic nervous system. 

Generally speaking, heat is used to calm, relax, quiet and soothe the body, and to slow down the activity of internal organs. Cold is used to stimulate and invigorate, increasing internal activity within the body, boosting metabolism and
turning harmful white fat to healthy brown fat to be burned for energy.  Body temperature is highly dependent on the amount of thyroid hormone in the body. Hypothyroid people feel cold all the time (when others are not), and hyperthyroid people feel hot all the time (others are comfortable).  Their metabolism reflects this too, with untreated hyperthyroidism leading to weight loss, and untreated hypothyroidism usually leading to weight gain.These responses involve the polarities of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. 

The Sympathetic nervous system relays the active (masculine) principle of "fight or flight" reaction to external stimuli regulated by the adrenal glands,  while the parasympathetic system controls the passive (feminine) "rest and digest" principle of regeneration, relaxation, and repair. Both of these responses are essential for healthy lifestyle functioning and they need to be in equilibrium. This is what the alternating temperatures can assist with. Alternating between the extremes of temperature, we can build our tolerance and stability for operating optimally between the extremes of life.   

How the Body Affects the Mind: 

vagus nerve innervates critical organs, such as the heart and lungs, making clear the importance of this nerve in controlling the heart rate, digesting food, and regulating breathing, all of which can be strengthened and improved with hydrothermal therapy. This is because the vagus nerve provides parasympathetic support to the cardiovascular system. " It supplies parasympathetic fibers to these organs, meaning that the vagus nerve is a “rest and digest” nerve, not a fight or flight nerve. Van der Kolk quotes from Darwin’s work, “the heart, guts and brain communicate intimately via a nerve” – the pneumogastric or vagus nerve – “the critical nerve in the expression and management of emotions in both humans and animals…. When the mind is strongly excited it instantly affects the state of the viscera.” This is, of course, why our guts react strongly to our emotional state."

Stimulating The Immune System 

 The body's greatest factor in health is the lymphatic system, also known as the IMMUNE SYSTEM. The lymph system composes around 75% of the body's major fluids while the blood only composes around 25%. The blood is the body's kitchen or nutrient delivery system to the cells, while the lymph is the cells' waste or sewer system.  The Lymph system does not have a pump to circulate lymph like the cardiovascular system does. The ONLY way to move lymph is to pump it manually with frequent and consistent body movement, exercise, rebounding, massage, dry skin brushing, stretching, pressure mediations and fluctuation between hot and cold, and frequent sweating.  When the lymph system begins to stagnate, it thickens, hardens and becomes like a plaque, causing swollen and hardened lymph nodes and fibroids and is the
underlying root cause of pretty much every chronic condition.

More Information on Detoxification:

Diet and lifestyle play the biggest role in lymphatic stagnation.  

The lymph transports acidic metabolic waste products from the cells and sequesters pathogenic viruses and bacteria into the lymph nodes, which are the septic tanks of the body. To use a metaphor,  when your sewer or septic system becomes full, it will begin to back up and overflow into the kitchen, which is exactly what happens with lymphatic stagnation.
Protein is THE MOST DANGEROUS MACRONUTRIENT when consumed in too high quantities and the wrong type of protein. PERIOD! Anyone that tries to tell you otherwise, is seriously disinformed. see my full ongoing series of presentations on  "THE GREAT PROTEIN CONSPIRACY" here>

There is no such thing as an "ESSENTIAL PROTEIN." What the body utilizes are essential AMINO ACIDS, which are the building block of protein. When we consume too much protein in general, but especially
FOREIGN ANIMAL PROTEINS , then the liver has to overwork to BREAK DOWN all that protein into their AMINO ACIDS in order to even utilize them to synthesize our own endogenous proteins, which are what builds our body, and this requires massive amounts of energy which stimulates the adrenal glands and causes them to go "hyper" active, which is the acute stage of disease progression, and eventually burns them out from being hyper active, conversely, causing adrenal fatigue as they then begin to underperform in the "hypo" stage during chronic progression, which eventually causes renal (kidney) failure  and the body is no longer able to adequately filter its acidic load as well as its toxic and pathogenic load which has been sequestered from the healthy cells by the lymph system. This then causes undigested protein molecules to begin to stagnate the lymph and back up into the interstitial spaces between the cells and into the bloodstream, causing autointoxication, and inflammation, (which we call "autoimmune disease") where it then causes strokes, Alzheimers and neurodegenerative diseases as well.

From the University of Virginia's article:  "
The unexpected presence of the lymphatic vessels raises a tremendous number of questions tht now need answers, both about the workings of the brain and the diseases that plague it.  For example, take Alzheimer's disease.  "IN ALZHEIMER'S, THERE ARE ACCUMULATIONS OF BIG PROTEIN CHUNKS IN THE BRAIN," KIPNIS SAID.  "WE THINK THEY MAY BE ACUMULATING IN THE BRAIN BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT BEING EFFICIENTLY REMOVED BY THESE [LYMPHATIC] VESSELS ."  He noted that the vessels look different with age, so the role that they play in aging is another avenue to explore.  And there's an enormous array of other neurological diseases, from autism to multiple sclerosis, that must be reconsidered in light of the peresenc eof soemthing science insisted did not exist."   

  I refer EVERYONE to the work of Dr Robert Morse "
Detox Miracle Sourcebook" which is an amazing resource for physiology, biochemistry and nutrition.
get it here! >>


The lifestyle is your number one key to success. What you eat, drink, breathe, and what you put on your skin is how you bring the outside world in. Study and learn the concepts in "The Detox Miracle Sourcebook" in reference to a raw food diet. The greater percentage of raw fruits and vegetables (salads) you eat, the greater your success. If you have cancer, a spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s or any other chronic or degenerative condition, you will want to consume a 100% raw, LIVE food diet of fruits and vegetables (salads) only.

#Lymphatic System:

Always move your Lymph System. This is the most vital system of your body to detoxify and is essential to your success. I will even be so bold as to say that everyone has a stagnant lymph system to one degree or another. This is vital in that all your cells "eat" and "excrete." Your lymph system is your sewer system. Your lymph nodes are your septic tanks. Keep them cleaned out!

1. Use an herbal formula for your kidneys and eat lots of fruits. Your lymph system uses your kidneys as one of the main doorways for body's sewage to be removed (other doors include the skin and the colon).

2. Clean and enhance your GI tract. Raw foods and intestinal restorative herbal formulas are the supreme way to accomplish this. Do not use laxatives or purgatives if you can help it. These are very addicting. You want to restore proper digestion, absorption, and elimination through this "hub" of your body. One to three colonics may also help. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s Colema Board is a better idea yet. I do not recommend acidophilus, bifidophilus or any other intestinal flora. Your intestinal flora will restore itself.

3. "Sweat!" Underactive thyroid function makes it more difficult to sweat, and sweating is vital to remove toxins from the body. Your skin is your largest eliminative organ; called the "third kidney". Keep it clean and stimulated with skin brushing, regular as well as hot and cold showers, and sweating.

4. Walk and swim! Exercise is extremely important in moving your lymphatic system, especially in your lower extremities. Caution: Make sure your kidneys are filtering before vigorous exercise.

Herbal Parasite Formula:

You will want to spend a month on an herbal parasite formula. This will help get rid of larger worms, flukes, etc. It will also help reduce the microorganisms that affect your desire for foods; candida, bacteria, etc.

Cleansing Process:

One of the most important things that you can learn about the detoxification process is the cleansing process or what's called the "healing crisis". Study and learn this process and you'll understand what "diseases" truly are. Remember so-called disease symptoms manifest from only two sources – congestion and cellular weakness. That’s it!

FINALLY: Attitude, attitude, attitude! Enjoy what you’re doing. Always remember WHY you're getting your body, or physical vehicle, healthy. It's your mobility in this physical world. Without it, life isn't much fun here! Don't let anything stop you and don’t take no for an answer. Make your body do what you want it to do. Many of your weaknesses are genetically passed to you. Your toxicity may have developed when you were still incubating inside your mother, so give it time. Vibrant health in this world does not occur overnight. Sometimes it's hard work, but well worth it! It connects you with life, love and GOD.

You are the healer. These opinions, suggestions, and references made are based on my personal experience and is for personal study and research purposes only. This is about health and vitality, not disease.


you can also find Dr Bronner's Organic herbal essential oil soaps mentioned in the video here >>

I also use Dr Christopher's incredible organic herbal essential oil shampoo, NOTHING BUT HERBS!  here>>
Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Coconut Oil Oilfin, Coconut Oil Betaine, Lemon Extract, Avocado Oil, Grape Fruit Seed Extract, Vitamins A, C, & E, Essential Oils of Juniper, Cedarwood, Gernium, Rose, Cypress, Basil, Chamomile, Cardamon, Lavender, Rosemary, Frankincense, Myrrh, Neroli, Jasmine, BF&C Formula, White Oak.


Exfoliating Hemp Loofah:

Dry Skin Brush:

Perfect for both wet or dry skin brushing to reduce cellulite, improve circulation, to have healthier, softer and smoother skin everyday.

Gua Sha Massage Stone kit: Rose Quartz

Vibrational Platforms:

The QUALITY of Your Water MATTERS! 

Your Skin is highly absorptive, so anything you put ON YOUR SKIN, is what you are putting INTO YOUR SKIN, as the cell membrane absorbs soluble chemicals and oils through an osmotic process!

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and you should NEVER put ANYTHING on your skin that you cant or wouldnt also PUT IN YOUR MOUTH.

It's critical for your scalp, skin, hair and internal health that you filter out flouride, chlorine, and other public water treatments from your shower and home water supply! 

There are some great and afforable filters and filtration systems available.

The Importance of LIVING AND STRUCTURED, vortex, implosion or naturally free flowing ionized water from the rocks and soil cannot be overstated! 

"Water Ways of Life: Viktor Schauberger

"Viktor had given his life for water, the forests, the soil and for #Nature's wholeness and order. Academically untrained his writings and testimonials confirm his breadth of learning and his #reseach reflects his extensive #knowledge of #physics, #chemistry and hydrology. He was once asked to explain his authority and knowledge, he replied that no one had taught him but he had the advantage of inheritance which he defined further: "Everything is corpuscular, even #energy and #light waves.
Even matter is inert energy. This also applies to blood, which is a materialised power flow that carries energy from past generations through present to future generations. This flow is not broken with the person's death, but is carried further to his successors.
However, this energy can be degenerated, for example, by negative #technology, so that the thoughts and outlook which have accumulated within a person's being over thousands of years, is lost. It is possible for the person who has the advantage of this gift of inheritance to summon up from his blood all this reservoir of knowledge." (p.125 ibid.)
Inventions of Viktor Schauberger:Later in his life after witnessing the deterioration of the land and its water ways Viktor produced a number of inventions to counteract the catastrophes propagated by industrialisation.

From the observable environmental problems, Viktor concluded that there must be fundamental design errors in the technology which produced such upheavals in nature or at least produces such poor results. For example steam and internal combustion engines work on less than 50% of their capacity. As always he looked to nature to find the answer and the solution he found was that harmful technologies were using the wrong sort of motion.

Nature frequently uses the hyperbolic #spiral which is externally centripetal and internally moves towards the centre, such spirally movements are found in the spiral nebula of galaxies in #space, in the natural flow of water, blood and sap. 

While the centrifugal force used by current technology, occurs in nature in its destructive aspects, on occasions for dissolving energy, pushing the medium from the centre outwards towards the periphery in straight lines.
The particles of the medium being first weakened and then dissolved and broken up. "Nature uses this action to disintegrate complexes which have lost their vitality or have died" (p. 77 ibid.)
Characteristically the centripetal, hyperbolic spiral movement is symptomatic of falling temperature, contraction and concentration while the centrifugal movement is synonymous with raising temperature, heat extension, expansion and #explosion, "in nature there is a continual switch from one movement to the other, but if development is to occur then the movement of growth must be predominant." (p.77 ibid.) source

Upgrade your Life and protect your health with the worlds HIGHEST QUALITY structured, living vitalized and filtered water attachments on the planet! Following Sacred geometrical natural sciences of Viktor Schauberger, the famous water wizard who was the Nikola Tesla of water! 

I Rarely endorse products, but these are what I use for my home andshower.


Water is ubiquitous and it may be from this property that it is frequently taken for granted. Even though it is everywhere, water is anything but common.Most people think that water comes in 3 shapes and sizes and they all have the formula H2O. We recognize ice as water in its solid form, water as the liquid stage and steam as water as a gas.AND, THERE IS MORE TO THE STORY.For the last few decades, researchers have been differentiating “bulk water” from other water and there is now a name for this other water: Exclusion Zone or EZ Water. It is also called structured water, energized water, revitalized water, activated water and more. Whatever the name, this fourth stage of water acts like a battery capable of storing energy. When EZ water is structured by movement, prayer or light, the energy in it increases.

In the old way of thinking about water, the addition of energy leads to a rise in temperature. In EZ water, an increase in energy leads to an increase in structure. Not only is this understanding of water uncovering a new state of water, but it is also illuminating a new chemical formula.The most common formula for water is H2O, but it can also be H3O2, OH-, -OH2+ and dozens of other configurations of hydrogen and oxygen.ONE OF THE LEADING RESEARCHERS ON THIS TOPIC IS

When water is structured, its properties change. Before taking a deep look at this with water, consider where else this occurs in the natural world.These pictures show that while the chemical composition of diamonds and coal are both made of carbon, the difference in the bonding angles of the carbon gives the two physical substances very different properties. All will agree that diamonds and coal are very different and that is largely because the differences can be seen with our vision. Unfortunately, the differences between structured water and bulk water are just beyond the frequencies where our eyes can see so we are left with science to show us how different waters change.

The following images were produced by an Independent laboratory in Germany that analyzed Structured Water.
The images show evidence of a change in bonding angles much like what we see with diamonds and coal.

While the images clearly show water that is structured looks different, we have to rely on the scientists to interpret what that means in terms of how the properties of the water change.The conclusions of the lab that performed this analysis, Hagalis AG, are that the structured water:has different hydrogen bonding angles than unstructured waterhas increased life force energyincreased bio-availability of trace minerals and elementsneutralized all toxinsThe full report may be read here.The conversation about the diamonds, coal and hydrogen bonding angles can best be summarized by the well known materials scientist, Dr. Rustum Roy. Roy who had professorships at Arizona State University, University of Arizona, and Pennsylvania State University offered:“STRUCTURES CHANGE PROPERTIES VASTLY MORE EASILY AND DRAMATICALLY THAN CHEMISTRY CHANGES THEM.” – DR. RUSTUM ROY Looking at the natural world shows this to be true in all areas of life. Consider the structure of your life. Consider where you live, who you interact with and how you know yourself to be. Now, if we were to remove you from those structures and put you in an entirely different socio-economic class, do you think you would change? We do. We think the structures around you would dictate new ways of speaking and being.THE MOST IMPORTANT PROPERTY OF WATER IS ENERGYTo truly understand the science of water, it is important to understand that water is energy and this energy is measurable.MEASURING THE ENERGY OF WATER“GDV” or Gas Discharge Visualization is a collection of photographic processes used to capture images of electrical discharges. Through this process we’re able to measure variances of everyday substances, such as water. GDV is a pathway to measuring how much “E” is found in a given type of water. Consider the results to the right.In the image with the black background, increased brightness is indicative of increased energy. Notice how Filtered Water and natural Spring Water have significantly less energy than water structured by a structuring device. Structuring water can increase the energy by up to 83%This increase in energy can have a very beneficial impact on your body. See to the right as GDV analysis is used to measure the human body.This image shows how drinking Structured Water impacts the human body’s energy. The image on the left is before drinking Structured Water and on the right, after. People who drink Structured Water experience a minimum 10% increase in their energy and for some it is as high as 40%.MEASURING THE ENERGY OF YOUThe human body is made of water so it naturally follows that water with more energy in it will lead to a body with more energy in it. And that is exactly what the results show.Even with proof showing the increased energy of Structured Water, there will still be those who need more information to understand that Structured Water exists. While the naked eye is unable to distinguish a glass of tap water from a glass of Structured Water, scientists are able to do it.


TO LEARN MORE FROM DR. VOGEL DIRECTLY, WATCH THIS VIDEO:Dr. Marcel Vogel was a top research scientist for 27 years for IBM. His life’s passion was expressed through the use of scientific instruments. He spent over 1 year of his life focused on experiments to determine or deny the existence of Structured Water. Using Ultra Violet Spectral Photometry he concluded:evidence of structuring in the form of visual bands in the range of 3000-4000 angstrom units

Structured Water is different than bulk water including that it stores energy

one drop of Structured Water raises the energy level of a container of liquid instantly

when water molecules link up in structure, they form a consciousness which is to say that water molecules organize themselves and store information

water is the future of medicine as it can be programmed to have desired health giving energies

PURITYTHE SCIENCE BEHIND TRADITIONAL FILTERS: CHEMISTRYA water molecule is smaller than a wave of light and many contaminants are measured in parts per million, billion or even trillion. These small sizes make the science of water filtration much less precise than people think. After working for six different filter companies and doing due diligence on many more, we think it is important to consider the following science and practices.traditional filters don’t remove contaminants as much as they reduce them

testing is expensive and companies do their best to avoid having to test for more than the bare minimum

companies that make claims about toxin removal often due so based on extrapolation rather than laboratory testing. For example, we know of a publicly traded traditional filter company that claims pharmaceutical removal based upon extrapolation rather than testing.

traditional filters may not protect us at allAt least $100 billion is spent annually on traditional water filters and plastic bottled water. There is a lot of money being made on our fear about the safety of our drinking water. Much of that money goes into marketing campaigns that infiltrate our thinking and cause us to come to the same conclusion.I’ve spent an awful lot of time thinking about why almost all people have the same questions and concerns about water and my conclusion is that it is because that is the way our minds are programmed by marketing.You probably entered the conversation about protecting yourself from contaminants in water with concerns about Fluoride and Chlorine. It is kind of ironic that those are the toxins that we are concerned about because those are the ones that are intentionally added to water. Regardless of what you think, we suggest you consider the following logic as a more likely truth about safe drinking water.Everything is energy including each contaminant in your water.Homeopathy proves that when a physical substance is removed from water (like traditional filters try to do) the energy of it is left behind.
Traditional filters don’t even acknowledge let alone reduce or remove toxic energetic residue in your water.Structuring Water changes the energy of water and clears all toxic memory.To have safe drinking water, at a minimum, you must deal with it as an energy and if it aligns with your budget, values and beliefs you can add a traditional filter as well.Reports from the field:
According to known scientific principles, the Bio Chem Lab report results “shouldn’t” exist. AND, Bio Chem is a NELAP Accredited Laboratory and the results come from November 2012.
Click Here for the Bio Chem Lab ReportWhat the results show is that water that was poured through a structuring device that is not expected to have an impact on chemistry showed a reduction of 25% of Ecoli in the water and 40.2% of TDS or Total Dissolved Solids.By passing through the device the expected results included changes in energetic properties but not chemistry. Nevertheless, a significant change was observed. We asked Clayton Nolte about this and he said that by structuring water it spins in a double vortex and when it does solids are crushed and transformed. The implications of this are that the chemistry of water can change without adding or removing anything from water.These types of results are becoming more common.Hannah Noel is an organic farmer and the Editor of Organic Life Magazine.  Several years ago, the State of Vermont tested her well and told her she was going to have to use bleach to get rid of the Chloroform that was in the water. As a cancer survivor and an organic farmer, this was untenable for her.Rather than use a traditional physical filtration method, Hannah treated her well with an energetic process. Nothing was physically added or removed from her well and the result was that the State came back and tested for the Chloroform again and found that it was gone.How can this happen? Our scientific equipment is based upon observation of the physical world AND we are learning more and more about what it means to live as energetic beings. In the coming years as Quantum Physics proves we are energetic beings we are going to want to have equipment that measures in alignment with who and what we are.A PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATIONAs individual slices of humanity, we often forget our inherent connectedness and the possibility that their is consciousness in this universe beyond what happens inside our personal world view. This makes sense as it appears that we are wired for self preservation and that can include an overly important sense of self. Nevertheless, a new truth is emerging.Many are experiencing connection to others and the universe through energy. We are finding the evidence that shows that there is much more to life than what is discerned through our traditional five senses. Inside of this emerging world view, it makes sense to consider that water is alive, that is has its own consciousness, that it is our partner and carrier in creating our lives.Today, we hear many people speak of understanding ourselves as beings made of light. This thought appears somewhat confusing for us as when we look at each other, we see solids and not what we think of as light. Nevertheless, many people are able to see the auras of others and according to Dr. Joe Mercola, this light is 1000 times less intense than levels that can be seen with the naked eye.Dr. Mercola is known for his avid research and he explains the work of Dr. Fritz Albert Popp who in 1974 proved that light, in the form of biophotons, is involved in every process in the body including healing.“Every living organism emits biophotons. It is thought that the higher the level of light energy a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual who consumes it… The greater your store of light energy…  the greater the power of your overall electromagnetic field, and consequently the more energy is available for healing and maintenance of optimal health.
I firmly believe it’s only a matter of time before the importance of light energy in your health and well-being becomes more widely recognized and applied in the field of medicine. Until then, remember that your body is not only made up of tissue, blood vessels and organs. It’s also composed of light.” – Dr. MercolaAccording to Dr. Pollock (the researcher teaching us about the 4th phase of water) water may be structured in many ways including by adding radiant light. Piecing all of this together what we see is that it may be that a benefit to spending time in the sun beyond getting our Vitamin D is that adding sunlight to our body increases the structure of the water inside us.Getting back to Dr. Popp, he is a German physicist who has written 150 scientific journal articles and eight books and his research shows Structured Water encapsulates micro-particles.

This chart shows the differences in light emissions between structured and tap water. Water that is polluted is more electrolytic because it has more micro particles inside. The readings for Structured Water demonstrate that they are less electrolytic proving that the micro particles (toxins) are no longer present. The laws of chemistry are being challenged and shown to be insufficient for understanding the inner workings of water molecules.The Bio Chem lab report shown above, the State of Vermont testing with Hannah Noel, and this study by Dr. Popp show that water is capable of encapsulating or imploding toxins and rendering water safe. Whether you believe the toxins go to the center of the water molecule (as taught by Clayton Nolte) or transform through vortexing as seen in the Bio Chem report the one thing that is clear is that there is more here than meets the eye.Water does protect us from toxins when it is in a vortex state as found in nature.ESTROGENWith 21 billion pounds of toxins released into the environment every year there is no safe place to hide. The following study of 83 remote European lakes reveals that estrogenic compounds are literally everywhere. Estrogen impacts fertility as well as breast formation in males. The solution for rampant pollution is to be aware of the significance of the issues we face and to set your own standard for water quality.  READ STUDYLET’S REVIEWThe most important property of water is energy. Water Magic(™) has shown that water acts like a battery capable of storing energy. This energy is measurable. Drinking water with more energy adds more energy to the body. When water is structured (or energized) its properties change. Reports from certified independent laboratories and scientists show that the physical substances (such as toxins) that are present in water transform when water is structured.With all of this said, we want to offer an explanation as to why this scientific data is discredited when the benefits to humanity are so impactful. From our perspective, the answer is simply. Money.Many businesses have been created to earn profits rather than to serve people. While this may be sad, it is also true. There is over $100 billion in revenue being generated every year by companies selling disposable water filters and plastic water bottles. If their offerings were hydrating people, then we might find a different line of work.However, they are not.At The Wellness Enterprise Inc. our allegiance is to stand for you and your health and vitality. We know that a kinder and more joyful humanity will emerge when people feel healthy and strong and the basis for this vitality begins at the cellular level. We are committed to improving the vitality of your cells and we have the scientific proof to show that Structured Water does exactly that.LIVE BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS VIDEO The video above shows Live Blood Cell Analysis in two segments taken 48 hours apart. The first segment shows spontaneous cell death. The second segment shows the cells after drinking structured water. The cells are shining with light and vitality. Notice in the first segment how cells on the screen simply disappear (die) while in the second segment that is no longer happening.Scientifically speaking, this is the crown jewel of Water Magic. It shows that we can recreate the human body from the inside out simply by changing the water a person consumes.

For those who would like to listen to a discussion about the points presented on this page, there is a recording available:“Scientific Minds Want To Know”00:0000:00Or download here:
(Hint: to save to your computer, right click the link and then choose either “Save Target As” or “Save Link As”)Whether you call it “structuring”, “energizing”, “activating” or something else, we can all agree that there is an enormous amount of interest globally in restoring coherence and vitality to Water and ourselves. As the industry expands and new reports,  studies and videos are published, we will continue to publish them here so you may be well informed about the science of Structured Water.
Observational Study #1 Kidney DehydrationObservational Study #2 Sports Drink AnalysisH4H Report – Hydration Biomarkers and Dietary Fluid Consumption of Women

A great interview with the inventor of the GDV machine that measures the energy of water,  Konstantin Korotkov "


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DELICIOUS #Vegan Meals 4 Lean Muscle! #LiftingTheVeil #Veganism

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Endocrine Toxicology, Population Gendercide & Animal Foods: Please Share!


full PDF download attached at bottom of article

To preface, I will ask you, I will demand from you, that you examine the depth and scope of this information from a truly UNBIASED standpoint as you may. Please check your beliefs and ideologies at the door before entering. I'm going to start off with some weird and controversial issues first, which is probably not a wise idea, but that's just the flow of how the presentation came together and I always follow the flow of of Sync as it comes through.  Thank you! Lets begin!


The above image I found is a pretty piss poor meme, but its premise is valid and true, but what MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT, is that ALL, and I mean ALL of these factors are
CAUSED PRIMARILY BY THE CONSUMPTION OF ANIMAL FOODS, (well, except for becoming gay of course. Although, there possibly seems to be some kind of  "gay agenda" to push it like a hot, trendy, fad onto children through pop culture being legitimate, shown further on) which I will cite all the pathways for, via bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of endocrine disrupting toxins up the foodchain, as also shown by the fact that "Male birds that eat mercury-contaminated food show "surprising" homosexual behavior, scientists have found)."

It's Interesting to find if the correlations being the same in our fellow human peacocks, just as the bird kingdom, strutting and prancing their vibrant vivid colors just as the flamboyant or "flaming" flamingo with its flamenco style of flash and flare that male birds use to attract mates and signal the flame of love. 

Dont jump to conclusions, though, im not homophobic and theres absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, it does not infringe universal law, insomuch as it follows and abides by the individual's NATURAL RIGHTS of FREE WILL CHOICE WHICH SHALL NEVER BE INFRINGED! Those rights of free will choice to live freely and to not be harmed also extends to the animal kingdom as well!

The harm comes when the subliminal influence on the ILLUSION of "free will choice" is inflicted from environment, propagated via top-down cultural propaganda machines and industrial corporate cabals who have a vested cultural "eugenics" program running, based on principles of social darwinism (what I like to call "death by diet" or quite simply SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST) and certain marxist ideologies, spurred and triggered by the mass trophic biomagnification of endocrine and hormonal disrupting toxins up the food chain.

As we seriously begin to understand the HARD TRUTH about toxicology and diet, we will make it VERY CLEAR who the FITTEST and THE HEALTHIEST are, via evidence based clinical nutritional science.

Given and understanding this TRUTH, it will become VERY APPARENT that yes, indeed, THERE IS BUT ONE DIET THAT IS FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING ELSE, which we discuss further along, and I do say that objectively. #TOXICOLOGY IS A SCIENCE THAT YOU CANNOT DENY NOR IGNORE WITHOUT DEADLY CONSEQUENCES which we will dive into the deep science literature further along, after we set the stage for the context here. 

Let us consider the toxicology science of how
Atrazine, the most abundantly used herbicidal hormonal endocrine disruptor produced by  Syngenta AG, a global Swiss agribusiness that produces agrochemicals and seeds. As a #BIOTECHNOLOGY COMPANY, IT CONDUCTS GENOMIC RESEARCH. It was formed in 2000 by the merger of Novartis Agribusiness and ZenecaAgrochemicals. Zeneca Agrochemicals was part of AstraZeneca, and formerly of Imperial Chemical Industries.

In 2005, Syngenta opposed a Swiss ban on genetically engineered organisms.[13]On 28 November 2005, Switzerland enacted a five-year ban on the farming of genetically modified crops, underscoring the problems facing the European Commission and biotech companies like Syngenta, Bayer and Monsanto as they try to overcome consumer doubts about safety.[14]As of 2014 Syngenta's main competitors are Monsanto Company, BASF, Dow AgroSciences, Bayer CropScience and DuPont Pioneer.[15]In 2014, Monsanto sought to acquire Syngenta for a reported $40 billion, but Syngenta rejected the offer.[2][16] Since April 2015 Monsanto and Syngenta had been working with their investment banks Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachsrespectively on a deal. The U.S. Treasury tried to stop the deal for tax inversion.[17] Syngenta's Board of Directors rejected an even better offer by Monsanto during August 2015, and Monsanto withdrew from the negotiations on 26 August.[18]

Syngenta's contributions to US federal candidates, parties, and outside groups totaled $267,902 during 2012, ranking it 10th on the list of companies in its sector.
[79] Its lobbying expenditures in the US during 2012 were $1,150,000, ranking it 7th in its sector.[80]

Atrazine is known in
studies to produce #bisexual, #hermaphroditic, and #transsexual results in amphibians that are exposed to concentrations of run off. 

Berkeley – The nation's top-selling weed killer, atrazine, disrupts the sexual development of frogs at concentrations 30 times lower than levels allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), raising concerns about heavy use of the herbicide on corn, soybeans and other crops in the Midwest and around the world.

In an article in the April 16 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,University of California, Berkeley, developmental endocrinologist Tyrone B. Hayes, associate professor of integrative biology, and his colleagues report that atrazine at levels often found in the environment demasculinizes tadpoles and turns them into hermaphrodites - creatures with both male and female sexual characteristics. The herbicide also lowers levels of the male hormone testosterone in sexually mature male frogs by a factor of 10, to levels lower than those in normal female frogs.
As Hayes later discovered, many atrazine-contaminated ponds in the Midwest contain native leopard frogs with the same abnormalities."

 It is one of the most widely used herbicides in US
[2] and Australian agriculture.[3] It was banned in the European Union in October 2003, when the EU found groundwater levels exceeding the limits set by regulators, and Syngenta could neither show that this could be prevented nor that these levels were safe.[4][5]

As of 2001, atrazine was the most commonly detected pesticide contaminating drinking water in the United States.
[6]:42 Studies suggest it is an endocrine disruptor, an agent that can alter the natural hormonal system.[7][8] 

In 2006 the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had stated that under the Food Quality Protection Act "the risks associated with the pesticide residues pose a reasonable certainty of no harm",[9] and in 2007, the EPA said that atrazine does not adversely affect amphibian sexual development and that no additional testing was warranted.[10]

EPA's 2009 review
[11]concluded that "the agency's scientific bases for its regulation of atrazine are robust and ensure prevention of exposure levels that could lead to reproductive effects in humans".[12] EPA started a registration review in 2013.[13]The EPA's review has been criticized, and the safety of atrazine remains controversial.[2][8][14][15]

Scientists not on the payroll of Syngenta and other GMO manufacturers discovered the incidence of human birth defects was greatest during the months of April, May and June, which was when farmers used the greatest amount of atrazine annually.
“Atrazine is an endocrine disruptor. This means that micro-doses can have large, irreversible effects that we are just beginning to understand. New studies link low-level exposure to birth defects, delayed puberty and infertility — all of which are on the rise. Higher cancer risk and environmental toxicity are also of concern.

Birth Defects: Infants concieved during atrazine spray season are more likely to be born with birth defects. Research shows that even low levels of exposure during pregnancy may be problematic; the third trimester appears to be most critical.

Infertility: Documented reproductive harms include male infertility, increased risk of miscarriage, and low infant birth weight.

Cancer: Atrazine may increase risk of breast and prostate cancer. Though some studies have not found a link, the recent President’s Cancer Panel Report calls atrazine a possible carcinogen.

Scientists report that for atrazine, timing of exposure may be more important than exposure levels, and interaction with other pesticides may make health harms more severe.

Evidence of environmental effects is also strong and growing. Recent studies show that atrazine causes genetically male frogs to become anatomically female through a “chemical castration” effect.”

"Atrazine has been a suspected
teratogen, with some studies reporting causing demasculinization in male northern leopard frogs even at low concentrations,[46][47] and an estrogen disruptor.[48] A 2002 study by Tyrone Hayes, of the University of California, Berkeley, found that exposure caused male tadpoles to turn into hermaphrodites– frogs with both male and female sexual characteristics.[49] 

A 2003 EPA review of this study concluded that overcrowding, questionable sample handling techniques, and the failure of the authors to disclose key details including sample sizes, dose-response effects, and the variability of observed effects made it difficult to assess the study's credibility and ecological relevance.[50]

According to Hayes in 2004, all of the studies that rejected the
hermaphroditismhypothesis were plagued by poor experimental controls and were funded by Syngenta, suggesting conflict of interest.[51]

A 2005 Syngenta-funded study, requested by EPA and conducted under EPA guidance and inspection, was unable to reproduce Hayes´ results.
[52]"There has been a long running conflict between Syngenta and University of California at Berkeley biologist Tyrone Hayes.According to an article in the 10 February 2014, issue of The New Yorker,Syngenta's public-relations team took steps to discredit Hayes, whose research is purported to suggest that the Syngenta-produced chemical atrazine was responsible for abnormal development of reproductive organs in frogs. The article states that the company paid third-party critics to write articles discrediting Hayes's work, planned to have his wife investigated, and planted hostile audience members at scientific talks given by Hayes.[42]

During a 21 February interview conducted on Democracy Now, Hayes reiterated the claims.[74] After the interview aired, Syngenta denied targeting Hayes or making any threats, calling those statements "uncorroborated and intentionally damaging" and demanding a retraction and public apology from Hayes and Democracy Now.[75]

Atrazine Acts as an Endocrine Disrupter by Inhibiting cAMP- specific Phosphodiesterase-4

Atrazine and reproductive function: mode and mechanism of action studies

But what about the effects on HUMANS?
Fertility issues in women linked to Atrazine in tap water 

"Women who drink water contaminated with low levels of the weed killer atrazine may be more likely to have irregular menstruation and low estrogen levels, according to a new study."

A risk assessment of atrazine use in California: human health and ecological aspects

Secular Decline in Male Reproductive Function: Is Manliness Threatened?


Is the EPA Being Pressured on Atrazine? New Findings of Environmental Concerns about Syngenta's Crop Chemical Removed from EPA Site


I do hope that you sincerely consider these facts. I go out of my way and spend so much effort on stressing the reality of these health concerns. There is a real concern about the hazards of messing around with your hormones which can damage the endocrine system and interfere with the bodies' ability to produce its own endogenous hormones at the very least, be it from exogenous food sources, or  clinical science of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, which will be included further on. 


Now to summarize the MAIN POINT here, Persistant Organic pollutants are bioaccumulated by exponential magnitudes in animal fat and tissue. I quote the science literature on diabetes.. "OVER
90% OF ALL POPs (PERSISTANT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS) COME FROM ANIMAL FOODS." read that again. did you get the message?? 

"OVER 90% of POPs comes from animal foods in the general population without occupational or accidental exposures..." source:

•POPs have an anthropogenic origin: industrial processes, waste (e.g. medical), traffic and agriculture. A few may be of natural origin, e.g. from volcanic eruptions.•POPs are released into air, water and land – from where they deposit into water, sediment, and enter the food-chain•POPs are globally distributed through the air and ocean currents – they travel long distances and enter into atmospheric processes, air– water exchange and cycles involving rain, snow and dry particles. These processes lead to the exposure of even remote populations of humans and animals that depend on aquatic foods. Humans and animals are exposed mainly via ingestion of contaminated aquatic foodstuffs.•POPs travel long distances and are found in places far away from industrial sites or from agricultural areas, such as the Arctic circle.

Ive just recorded a video presentation that will be up soon, on #toxicology, #bioaccumulation & #biomagnification of toxins up the foodchain in animal fat, and by far the most exposure to POP comes from eating animal foods, something nobody seems to have any clue about, judging from public Q and A.

The Effect of Canned Tuna on Future Wages

If youre worried about MERCURY contamination in vaccines, you should know that just HALF A CAN OF TUNA contains the equivalent of 100 VACCINES worth of mercury!!  The mercury contamination in tuna and other fish may adversely impact future earnings by impairing brain function, and leading to a loss of intelligence (IQ).

Mercury in Vaccinations vs. Tuna
Balancing the risks and benefits of fish consumption.

Fish Intake Associated with Brain Shrinkage

Exposure to mercury during pregnancy appears to influence fetal brain development, as detected by decreased size of a newborn’s brain.

While tuna may be a source of heart-healthy omega-3, mercury contamination is a major concern. The
mercury in tuna (especially certain brands) may damage the brains of infants, children, and adults more than the mercury in vaccinations, amalgam teeth fillings, high-fructose corn syrup and Ayervedic supplements. Algae-based sources of omega-3 do not bring the danger of mercury contamination.

Tuna may also contain
DDT (a banned pesticide still present in our food chain), PCBpollutants, and the carcinogens benzene and putrescine. Tuna sushi may contain fecal contamination in amounts exceeding National Food Standards guidelines. A toxin in tuna has even been found to cause a form of amnesia.

Diet & Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
A neurotoxin called BMAA that concentrates in seafood may help explain clusters of Lou Gehrig’s disease.

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease): Fishing for Answers

The neurotoxin BMAA is found in seafood and the brains of Alzheimer’s and ALS victims. Might dietary changes help prevent amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

Protein from tuna and other animal sources may
negatively affect kidney function. Tuna ranks among the most acid-producing foods, which can be associated with the formation of kidney stones.

Brian Clement of Hippocrates (who I do not wholly endorse on many subjects) has an amazing series and book called
Killer Fish. 

Dioxins and Furans are Highly Toxic

DIOXIN IS CONSIDERED ONE OF THE MOST TOXIC MAN-MADE CHEMICALS EVER MADE, and furans are about a tenth as toxic. In addition, twelve of the 209 kinds of PCBs are very similar to dioxin in structure and toxicity (about one hundredth as toxic). All three compounds (dioxins, furans and PCBs) are often referred to collectively as “dioxin.” They are scored for their dioxin-like potency, and described in terms of their “Toxic Equivalency Factor” (TEF) relative to dioxin. (The other non-dioxin-like PCBs have different toxic properties.)

AGENT ORANGE — A DEFOLIANT PRODUCED BY NONE OTHER THAN THE GMO CONGLOMERATE MONSANTO, used to clear forests in the Vietnam war — and caused the evacuation of the town of Times Beach, Missouri, in 1983 and of the Love Canal site in Niagara Falls, New York, in 1978.

Over the last 30 years, since the end of the
Vietnam War, serious birth defects have been
common in Vietnam.  Scientists believe the dioxin
in Agent Orange is causing the birth defects.

Dioxin has been the subject of an intensive health reassessment by EPA for more than 10 years. Industries originally pushed for the reassessment, but didn’t get the results they expected. Now they’ve spent years lobbying against the release of the study. The US Government Corporation delayed the release of the final results, but it is widely known that the scientists have determined that dioxins and dioxin-like compounds (such as PCBs) are “known carcinogens.” They conclude that the average American may face a 1 in 1,000 risk of cancer due to these compounds, perhaps a risk as high as 1 in 100, because contamination has become so widespread in our general food supply ( MEAT, DAIRY, POULTRY, FISH, EGGS AND OTHER SATURATED FAT CONTAINING ANIMAL PRODUCTS.)  Which will be further displayed below.    


Dioxins in the Food Supply
Which foods accumulate the highest levels of industrial toxins?

In addition to cancer, exposure to dioxin can also cause severe reproductive and developmental problems (at levels 100 times lower than those associated with its cancer causing effects).  Not only is dioxin considered a known human carcinogen, adverse health effects may include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, endometriosis, early menopause, reduced testosterone and thyroid hormones, altered metabolism and immune responses, and skin, tooth, and nail abnormalities. Exposure during pregnancy can result in altered thyroid, brain, immune system, and reproductive organ development.

Dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, inability to maintain pregnancy, decreased fertility, reduced sperm counts, endometriosis, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung problems, skin disorders, lowered testosterone levels and much more. For an detailed list of health problems related to dioxin, read the
People’s Report on Dioxin.

How are we exposed to dioxin?

The major sources of dioxin are in our diet. Since dioxin is fat-soluble, it bioaccumulates, climbing up the food chain. A North American eating a typical North American diet will receive 93% of their dioxin exposure from meat and dairy products (23% is from milk and dairy alone; the other large sources of exposure are beef, fish, pork, poultry and eggs). And yes, THAT DOES ALSO INCLUDE SO CALLED "ORGANIC, FREE RANGE, HUMANE, GRASS FED, LOCAL ETC ETC."  In fish, these toxins bioaccumulate up the food chain so that dioxin levels in fish are 100,000 times that of the surrounding environment. The best way to avoid dioxin exposure is to reduce or eliminate your consumption of meat and dairy products by adopting a
vegan diet! 

SINCE DIOXIN IS FAT-SOLUBLE, IT BIOACCUMULATES, CLIMBING UP THE FOOD CHAIN. A North American eating a typical North American diet According to a
May 2001 study of dioxin in foods, “The category with the lowest [dioxin] level was a simulated vegan diet, with 0.09 ppt…. Blood dioxin levels in pure vegans have also been found to be very low in comparison with the general population, indicating a lower contribution of these foods to human dioxin body burden.

In EPA’s dioxin report, they refer to dioxin as
hydrophobic (water-fearing) and lipophilic (fat-loving). This means that dioxin, when it settles on water bodies, will rapidly accumulate in fish rather than remain in the water. The same goes for other wildlife. Dioxin works its way to the top of the food chain.

Men have no ways to get rid of dioxin other than letting it break down according to its chemical half-lives. Women, on the other hand, have two ways which it can exit their bodies:

  • It crosses the placenta… into the growing infant;
  • It is present in the fatty breast milk, which is also a route of exposure which doses the infant, making breast-feeding for non-vegan/vegetarian (so called "omnivorous") mothers quite hazardous.

  • If you’re not vegan, this is where you are getting your dioxin from (and may god help you). 

Chart from EPA Dioxin Reassessment Summary 4/94 – Vol. 1, p. 37
(Figure II-5. Background TEQ exposures for North America by pathway)

[Chart from May 2001 study by Arnold Schecter et. al., Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 63:1–18]

Note: freshwater fish were farm-raised on a diet of meat, which is why they show the highestdioxinlevels in this study.

For more information on dioxin in the food supply…


And check out Dr Michael Greger's
other videos on industrial toxins

Why BPA Hasn’t Been Banned
If the synthetic estrogen BPA is linked to billions of dollars’ worth of medical problems a year, why is it still allowed in the food supply?

Cannibalistic Feed Biomagnification
Feeding meat and bone meal to farm animals may increase the levels of industrial pollutants in animal products.

Okay! Now that you're no longer absolutely retarded about the toxicology of animal foods, lets move on to what happens to our endocrine systems when we eat them!

More peer reviewed, published clinical science research video presentations about animal foods and endocrine function:

Hardcore work from Dr Michael Greger and team at


The consumption of animal products may cause an increase of the hormone, IGF-1, which may increase both cancer risk and progression. Animal protein in particular may boost our IGF-1 production compared to plant proteins. The recent dramatic increase of hormone-dependent cancers in Japan has been speculatively linked to the steroids present in meat. Hormone replacement therapy (including bio-identical hormones) has been shown to be associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke, pulmonary embolism, and invasive breast cancer.

Hormones in meat may affect a
woman’s fertility; eating a single serving of meat per day may increase infertility risk by 30%. Cooked meat contains PhIP, a heterocyclic amine that activates estrogen receptors almost as strongly as pure estrogen. Nettle tea and lavendermay also have estrogenic effects. Early onset puberty in girls may be partly due to xenoestrogens (industrial pollutants often found in meat and fish) and the hormones found in animal protein and milk. In contrast, eating soy may be associated with starting puberty 7-8 months later than girls who eat little or no soy. Mushrooms may also help prevent breast cancer by blocking estrogen production, thus decreasing the tumor’s ability to grow. All animal products contain estrogen. This may explain why, in a study of over a thousand women eating plant-based diets, vegan women had one-fifth the number of twins compared with vegetarians and so called "omnivores."

Milk intake may be linked to increased
prostate cancer risk and lower sperm counts in men. Endocrine-disrupting industrial toxins in the aquatic food chain may affect genital development of boys ,

and sexual function
in men. High rates of acne among milk drinkers may be associated with the high hormone levels in milk.

Steroid hormones, either naturally occurring or via
synthetics (estrogen implants, animal feed, etc.), are unavoidable in food of animal origin. Trace amounts of hormones may be common in the environment and have been found in the water supply."

One way to decrease levels of
steroid hormones in the body may be to avoid eggs, dairy, and meat. People on plant-based diets have lower levels of IGF-1, which does not seem to affect their ability to accumulate muscle mass. Those on plant-based diets also have lower levels of adiponectin, a hormone that may contribute to cellulite. Those eating more plants hold onto more DHEA, an important hormone associated with increased longevity. A study confirmed that vegetarian women have lower levels of estradiol and therefore presumably a lower breast cancer risk due to higher fiber intake, which helps the body eliminate excess estrogen. Sex-hormone-binding globulins, which remove excess hormones from our bodies, have been found at higher levels in those eating vegetarian diets. Certain plant foods high in the hormone melatonin may help with insomnia. "

Estrogen in Meat, Dairy, & Eggs:

Dairy Estrogen & Male Fertility:
SEX STEROID HORMONES FOUND NATURALLY IN MEAT, EGGS, AND DAIRY may help explain the link between saturated fat intake and declining sperm counts.

Anabolic Steroids in Meat
The implantation of hormones into U.S. beef cattle may have adverse human health effects.

Dioxins, endocrine disrupting pollutants, heavy metals, saturated fat, and steroids in the meat supply may be affecting sperm counts, semen quality, and the ability of men to conceive.

Dietary Pollutants May Affect Testosterone Levels
Endocrine-disrupting industrial toxins in the aquatic food chain may affect genital development of boys and sexual function in men.

Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction & Death
Consumption of animal foods cause flacidity and impotency. Because penile arteries are only about half the size of the coronary arteries in the heart, erectile dysfunction can be a powerful predictor of cardiac events—such as sudden death. 

A case report in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly Journal of the American Dietetic Association) of a man who went on the Atkins diet, lost his ability to have an erection—and nearly lost his life.

That was just one person, though. Researchers at Harvard recently looked at one hundred thousand people and
concluded that low carb diets were “associated with higher all-cause mortality, higher cardiovascular disease mortality, and higher cancer mortality.” 

Erectile dysfunction
is the recurrent or persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an erection in order for satisfactory sexual performance. It is present in up to 30 million men in the U.S. and approximately 100 million men worldwide. The U.S. has less than 8% of the world’s population, yet up to 30% of the impotence? We’re #1!

But hey, we’ve got red, white, and blue pills like Viagra. The problem is that the pills just
coverup the symptoms of vascular disease and don’t do anything for the underlying pathology. Erectile dysfunction and our #1 killer, coronary artery disease, are just two manifestations of the same disease: inflamed, clogged, and crippled arteries, regardless of which organ it affects.

Chicken Consumption & the Feminization of Male Genitalia

Eating chicken during pregnancy may affect the size and development of one’s son’s penis due to #phthalate contamination of the meat.

"Those that reported on the Study for Future Families data implied that having a small penis size made boys “less masculine” (see
video), but the link between masculine behavior and the types of phthalates found in chicken wasn’t established until last year. Researchers found that boys who were exposed did indeed exhibit less male-typical play (such as preferring trucks over dolls). In the video I also show the studies associated the contaminants found in chicken to increased odds of cesarean section, diminished child intelligence, male breast growth, and  attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms." 

And you actually fell for the bullshit that all the bros throw around that "steak makes you MORE MANLY!" In all sincerity, folks, what could it possibly be about an estrogen, toxin accumulated food that could ever make you MORE MANLY??

My Own Experience With #Detoxification

Quick True personal story. I hope this isn't TMI, but its very important information that can really change alot of peoples' lives for the better.

When I started detoxifying my body with raw foods and herbs, it was a complete and unexpected miracle. As I rid my intake of animal hormones and endocrine disrupting toxins in animal foods, and relieved the adrenal "fight or flight response" load on my sympathetic nervous system and strengthened my balance on parasympathetic "rest and digest, repair and recovery" nervous system response, correspondingly, my penis also miraculously grew much larger, fuller, thicker, healthier size, due to a number of amazing physiological factors, one being the INCREASED arterial BLOODFLOW, and higher testosterone levels. What a blessing.

Pituitary gland is regulated by the Hypothalamus, the master gland, and the pituitary controls the GROWTH and SIZE of your body parts, such as height, breast size and penis size, and by regulating the endocrine system with the proper use of herbal fromulas and spagyrics, you can EASILY regulate the size of these organs! NO NEED FOR EXPENSIVE MEDICAL PROCEDURES!

All glandular weaknesses are, of course, passed down genetically as each generation of humans continues to decline and degenerate further and further as parents with genetic weaknesses continue to conceive while genetically weakened from chronic dis-ease and cellular degeneration until eventually, generations start becoming defective, infertile, impotent, fat, sick, lazy, entitled and immoral etc.

DEGENERATE: "fall from ancestral quality"  Figurative sense of "to fall off, decline."   

degeneratus, past participle of degenerare "to be inferior to one's ancestors, to become unlike one's race or kind, fall from ancestral quality," used of physical as well as moral qualities, from phrase de genere, from de + genus (genitive generis) "birth, descent" (from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget").   

Now, I dont want to give anyone the wrong impression, but I'm sure you've probably heard the term "degenerate" being used to sometimes degrade homosexuals.

The only reason I bring this up is in context of a POSSIBLE correlation between endocrine disruption and degeneration of the glandular system which produces our sex hormones and any imbalance and glandular weakness can most definitely have a strong affect on sexual function and expression (ESPECIALLY FROM OUR PARENTS STATE OF HEALTH DURING CONCEPTION AND GESTATION IN THE WOMB) as shown at the beginning of the article with mercury toxicity creating homosexual Ibis birds as an example.

Please dont think i'm attempting to label homosexuals or trans people as "degenerates", or in any way inherently wrong, immoral or any other sense that the word implies. They are not wrong or immoral for being gay. But like all of us, may have certain genetic and glandular dispositions that come into play. It would very easy for one to conflate examples such as Ellen DEGENERES whose surname De + Generare literally means "OF/FROM  INFERIOR GENE, STOCK," with
DEGENERATE, and just so happens to be.... gay. This example of onomancy doesnt reflect well.  

This unique pattern that I've stumbled upon between name, and personality expression is a very powerful art and science of correspondence that I'm going to cover fully and exclusively in future presentations and even offer personalized readings to show how names and numerology literally affects who you are, and who you become and certain traits or charcater expressions in life.


I just want everyone to make sure that their genes and endocrine systems are fully functional, balanced, and healthy, regardless of sexuality.

Conception of a child is SUPPOSED to be a CONSCIOUS ACT and both parties have an OBLIGATION to themselves and the population to ENSURE that they have, and are, fully practicing and applying the science of detoxification of their bodies to ensure a fully functional and operative endocrine system so that all glands and organs are at full strength and capacity in order to pass down GOOD STRONG GENES (EUgenics) rather than continuing the degeneration of humanity (DISgenics).

This is no problem to fix, though, because healing occurs epi-genetically, which means "beyond or above the genes", meaning that genes which control the health and function of the cells are triggered by either positive or negative (acidic or alkaline) response to environmental stimuli, via our overall LIFESTYLE, and the changes can take effect almost IMMEDIATELY after making a change!

As soon as the cells are no longer bathed in their own metabolic waste with an acidic load for too long, and with proper
detoxification, they will finally begin to either heal and regenerate, or die so they can be replaced by healthy cells proliferating, the same way that this applies to the macro scale in the human population, after all, we are only cells composing the body of the larger organism! This is BEAUTIFULL NEWS!! IT MEANS THAT WE ARE NOT VICTIMS OF OUR CULTURE OR OUR GENETICS! WE CONTROL OUR LIFESTYLE CHOICES AND WE CAN CHOOSE TO DO EVERYTHING WE CAN TO CHANGE OUR LIFESTYLE! Check out Dr Robert Morse N.D.'s incredible "Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods For Complete Cellular Regeneration" that employs HIGH ANTIOXIDANT and HIGH FIBER intake for cleansing, eliminating and rebuilding the body at a cellular level.

Wish my parents had known all the things I now know, in fact, ALL PARENTS SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO KNOW! :)
Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Causes of Disease

If doctors can eliminate some of our leading killers by treating the underlying causes of chronic disease better than nearly any other medical intervention, why don’t more doctors do it?

From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases with Food
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting-edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our leading causes of death and disability.

 You dont have to "accept" things about yourself and your body such as weight/ body fat and literally just about every physiological factor to some degree or other purely dietary and lifestyle related factors that YOU can actually TAKE CONTROL OF and CHANGE, not with SURGERY, PRODUCTS, PILLS, OR FAKE COSMETICS, BUT WITH A PROPER LIFESTYLE THAT THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY IS ADAPTED AND DESIGNED TO HANDLE AND THRIVE ON! see my full article "

The buildup of cholesterol in pelvic arteries can lead to sexual problems among both men and women via a similar pathway (erectile dysfunction).

Canned foods and sliced turkey were found to be contaminated with the plastics chemical BPA, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction.

"Infertility affects 10–15 percent of couples attempting to conceive, and in about half the cases the problem is in the man. A recent Harvard study found that increasing saturated fat intake just 5 percent was associated with a
38 percent lower sperm count, but why? It may be because of endocrine-disrupting industrial pollutants that build up in animal fat, particularly fish, as I describe in my video Xenoestrogens & Sperm Counts, but male fertility is not just about the number of sperm, but also how well they work.

A recent
study, featured in my 5-min video Male Fertility and Diet, found that successful pregnancy and fertilized egg implantation outcomes are decreased in patients reporting a more frequent intake of meat. The researchers blame industrial pollutants and steroids present in animal products. They conclude that couples having trouble conceiving must be advised about the dramatic effects diet may play on treatment success for both men and women, consistent with previous findings that “frequent intake of fat-laden foods like meat products or milk may negatively affect semen quality in humans, whereas some fruits or vegetables may maintain or improve semen quality.” Vegetable consumption was also found protective in this new study, which may be because of the antioxidant and nutrient content." - Dr Michael Greger

Dietary Sources of Alkylphenol Endocrine Disruptors
Foods of animal origin (especially fish) appear to be the most important source of human exposure to industrial pollutants such as alkylphenol xenoestrogens.

90% of our exposure to the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A comes from certain components of our diet.

The Role of Diet in Declining Sperm Counts
The ongoing global drop in male fertility may be associated with saturated fat intake and lack of sufficient fruits and vegetables.

The phytoestrogens in soy appear to protect against cancer, but might they reduce male fertility?
Fact, or fiction? Fiction, and it’s interesting why. Soy appears to stimulate the prostate gland to produce a larger load of ejaculate fluid, but the actual number of sperm remains the same.

Endocrine-disrupting xenoestrogens in fish may be interfering with male fertility.

Xenoestrogens & Early Puberty

Meat accelerates child sexual development.
Until the 20th century, the average age of puberty for girls was 16 or 17 years old. The age of puberty is being lowered so the organized child traffickers behind government and corporate syndicates can have and pimp those holes out even younger. This also shortens overall lifespan.

Why Are Children Starting Puberty Earlier?
Early onset of puberty is considered a risk factor for a number of diseases in adulthood, including hormone-related cancers, a shorter lifespan, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.

Prostate Cancer & Organic Milk vs. Almond Milk
Does the hormonal stimulation of human prostate cancer cells by cow milk in a petri dish translate out clinically in studies of human populations?

The hormones naturally found in foods of animal origin may help explain why women who eat conventional diets are five times more likely to give birth to twins than those eating plant-based diets.

The Effect of Animal Protein on Stress Hormones, Testosterone, and Pregnancy

What happened to women who were randomized to eat more meat and dairy during pregnancy, and what effect does animal protein consumption have on cortisol and testosterone levels in men?

Single meals can affect testosterone and cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Some foods eaten regularly during pregnancy may even reprogram children’s responses to stress later in life. (chronic anxiety)

What pregnant women eat may even affect the health of their grandchildren.

How many months does it take to clear 99% of the mercury and other industrial toxins from one’s body, and what role might our fat stores play in holding on to fat-soluble pollutants?

The Effect of Canned Tuna on Future Wages

If youre worried about MERCURY contamination in vaccines, you should know that just ONE CAN OF TUNA contains the equivalent of 100 VACCINES worth of mercury!!
The mercury contamination in tuna and other fish may adversely impact future earnings by impairing brain function, and leading to a loss of intelligence (IQ).

Lead Contamination in Bone Broth
Popular with paleo diet advocates, organic chicken broth is tested for the presence of the toxic heavy metal lead.

There are toxicological issues associated with production and processing of meat, issues like the presence of various toxic contaminants, from dioxins and PCBs to the cooked meat carcinogens. Carcinogenesis, the development of cancer, may be the main concern, but there are a number of other toxic responses connected with the consumption of meat products. Lead, for example, can be toxic to the nerves, gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, and kidneys.

Where is lead found in the food supply? In general terms, the highest levels of lead, as well as arsenic and mercury, are found in fish.
And once it gets in the body, it tends to stay in the body. It builds up in the bones, such that it may take 30 years just to get rid of half; so, the best strategy would be to not get exposed in the first place.

If it builds up in bones, though, what about boiling bones for broth? We know bones sequester lead, and such lead can then leach from the bones; so, they figured that bone broth made from the bones of farmyard animals might carry a risk of being contaminated with lead. Who eats bone broth? Bone broth consumption is encouraged by many advocates of the paleo diet. But what if you only use bones from organic, free-range chickens? The researchers in the literature cited above did only use bones from organic, free-range chickens.

What is behind the purported link between poultry consumption and anovulatory infertility?

Zeranol Use in Meat & Breast Cancer
Anabolic growth-promoting drugs in meat production are by far the most potent hormones found in the food supply.

Women were placed in the way of harm by their physicians, who acted as unsuspecting patsies for the drug companies.

Do compounded bioidentical hormones for menopause carry the same risks as conventional hormone replacement drugs, such as Premarin?

Are Bioidentical Hormones Safe?

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause grew to prominence in the 1990s, when millions of women were sold hormones made from horse urine. Premarin (from the words “pregnant mare urine”) was promised to prevent age-related diseases. When the truth got out, in 2002, that the opposite was true—it actually
increased risk of heart disease, stroke, pulmonary embolism, and invasive breast cancer—the number of prescriptions dropped, and so did the rates of breast cancer.

What are the Effects of the Hops Phytoestrogen in Beer?

When it comes to breast cancer risk, does the phytoestrogen in beer act more like the animal estrogens in Premarin, or the protective phytoestrogens in soy?

What is the Healthiest Diet?
What is the toxic baggage that comes along with the nutrients in your food?

The agenda for over a century has been marketing industrial products, but more importantly animal foods such as meat, dairy and eggs in order to "Blur the lines" between male and female, as alluded to in Robin Thicke's pop music video. 

LOL! Maybe now you know why Zorro is the GAY BLADE! :P

Second photo:

What is this quote supposed to even MEAN? “The best thing about being a girl is now I dont have to pretend to be a boy!” Yay! PHEW! WHAT A RELIEF!   

The best thing....about being a girl......    is.... wait.... WHAT????!

Seriously, am I just too stupid to understand what language is being conveyed here? This is a blatant use of Orwellian obfuscation of language to control perception of normality, by the use of "hypernormalization" by injecting "false images or norm" into the social sphere of consciousness.  

What a cute little penis shes gesturing to there.. 🤦‍♂️🙈 Notice closely where her eyes are focused. She/he/ze/zair/zahi/etc... IT is only doing what IT's handlers are DIRECTING it to do, only behaving how it is directed to behave. 

Again I've always advocated for free choice and Natural Law of free choice, and thus have always supported peoples right to be whoever they are, BUT SERIOUSLY, this hellyweird Tavistock/ laurel canyon social engineering shit is getting WAY TOO freakish and outlandish to accept without speaking up.🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️💆‍♂️



I think the whole agenda is a bit #OVERHYPED as stated in Robin Thicke's BLURRED LINES music video. 

Are you aware of just how many studies have been published, determining this acceptance and even CONSTANT ENCOURAGEMENT and of sexual irrationality as BLATANT CHILD ABUSE.... and being pushed in the school systems, no less!

Actually biological sex is what determines gender roles. Not stereotypes or preconcieved notions of Orwellian Newspeak. 

      Transgender Child Abuse

The following is a compilation of research provided by 

"The use of puberty blockers is needless and frivolous. It is even more outrageous when you consider the wealth of research that shows that most of these children will outgrow this condition. Consider the following studies:

*Dr. Paul McHugh cited studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic which showed that 70-80% of children with transgender feelings lost those feelings at some point in time and became comfortable with their birth gender.

*Dr. Kenneth J. Zucker of the Clarke Institute in Toronto, Canada, treated about 500 pre-adolescent children with gender dysphoria over a period of 30 years. From his experience, about 80% of the children outgrew their gender dysphoria and accepted their original gender.

*A 2008 report in The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says, “Most children with gender dysphoria will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty.”

*Dr. Edgardo Menvielle treated transgender kids at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC for about 10 years. He says that about 80% of the kids reclaim their birth gender, while the other 20% remained transgender into adulthood.

*A 2015 report by Trombetta, Liguori, and Bertolotto says that in the majority of children, GID remits by adolescence, if not earlier. Follow-up studies of boys who have GID indicate that a desistance of GID with a co-occurring homosexual orientation is the most common outcome.

Trombetta, Liguori, and Bertolotto, Management of Gender Dysphoria, Springer, 2015.

*Gender Trender cites studies showing that only 2% of sex-role non-conforming children will end up seeking surgical sex change, and only about 15% will report some form of continued distress with sex roles post puberty. That means that 85% will end up being comfortable with their birth gender.

*Even The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) confirms this. WPATH is a pro-trans organization. In their own Standards of Care, they acknowledge that “only 6 to 23 per cent of boys and 12 to 27 per cent of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into adulthood.” So 77-94% of the boys outgrew it and 73-88% of girls outgrew it. This organization is an ally of trans people, so it would be difficult to discredit their results.     the_Treatment_of_Gender-Variant_Prepubescent_Children.

     Here we have several credible studies, done by different researchers at different places and times, yet, they all got comparable results. So there is no doubt that the results are accurate.  These studies tell us what we should have already known: Most children who have gender dysphoria spontaneously lose those feelings. More than 50% of them outgrow it by adolescence, 80% outgrow it by adulthood, and 99% outgrow it by late adulthood. This is not a shocking result. It should be expected. These are elementary school kids. They will naturally grow up and change. We all have."

These are not natural examples of being the proverbial "black sheep" or FREE THINKER and NON CONFORMIST that they want you to think you are, its the typical regular sheep, the one that goes along with the agenda, being EXACTLY WHO THE ABUSERS AND CONTROLLERS WANT YOU TO BE!

They farm human babies from birth, to make you feel outcast and alienated on purpose as part of selling and promoting a greater social engineering initiative. Thats what ritual child abuse DOES to the mind during the formative years, and thats the whole end goal and purpose of hundreds of years of perfected ritual psychological warfare programs. It splits and fragments the character into thinking they're a manifestation of some gender neutral pronoun such as ze, zim, zair, zwahili, zirconi, zahi hawass, shakazulu, and whatever other made up gender one can conceive on the spot, off the top of their head, for which you will be fined $250,000 and go straight to jail and do not pass go, if you disagree and refuse to comply. 🐑🐑 

Notice why they're showing you the SHEEP, the LAMB, along with the trance-gender agender in Robin Thicke's BLURRED LINES music video. 

"Can a 9-year old child really make the decision to become sterile for life?  Sex-change treatment damages the body, stunts growth, and causes permanent sterility. Yet, children are being allowed to make the decision to undergo such drastic treatment. Inevitably, they will change their minds and regret it. Who will take responsibility? "

If a man goes to a psychiatrist and says, “Doc, I think I’m a chicken”, what will the psychiatrist do? Will he stick feathers in the man so he can look like a real chicken? Or will he try to convince the man that he is not really a chicken? Hopefully, he would pick the second choice. Does the first one make any sense at all? Of course not. It’s completely absurd. But it parallels the absurdity of a sex-change operation. If a man thinks he is a woman, he is clearly in a delusional state. Why would the psychiatrist feed the delusion instead of curing it? If he really wants to do what’s best for the man, he would try to help him deal with reality and accept himself for who he is. Transgenders are in a delusional state and are in need of counseling or therapy. To simply affirm their delusion is not helping them at all.

The condition that we are dealing with here is called gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is the magic bullet theory of transgenderism. It is a desperate attempt to make sense out of something that makes no sense at all. Like the magic bullet theory, it cannot withstand scrutiny. It seems almost semi-reasonable on the surface, but falls apart upon closer inspection. Supposedly, this is a medical condition that is “cured” by a sex-change operation. Let’s take a closer look at how gender dysphoria is defined:

     Gender Dysphoria: unhappiness with one's biological sex or its usual gender role, with the desire for the body and role of the opposite sex.

     A persistent unease with having the physical characteristics of one's gender, accompanied by strong identification with the opposite gender and a desire to live as or to become a member of the opposite gender.

Dissatisfaction or discomfort with one's phenotypic gender.[1]

     Notice the use of words like “unhappiness,” “unease,” “identification,” “dissatisfaction,” and “discomfort.” These are all words that indicate a psychological condition. There is no medical or physical confirmation of any of these symptoms. The diagnosis of gender dysphoria is based completely on how the patient feels. He is “unhappy” with his biological sex, or he is “dissatisfied” with his gender. But what medical tests are there to confirm this? Do blood tests show gender dysphoria? Does the CAT-Scan or MRI show gender dysphoria? Do the X-rays show that the patient is in the wrong body? No. Medically speaking, gender dysphoria is a phantom disease. There is no medical diagnosis for it. Because it is all based on the patient’s subjective experience, the only diagnosis is the patient’s own self-diagnosis. He feels like he’s in the wrong body, so he is. There is no test to show if that feeling is right or not. That feeling could be caused by things like trauma, stress, drugs, pressure, etc. In other words, that feeling could be wrong. Yet, that feeling is all that defines this condition.

THE TRUTH is that the agenda is pushing ANIMAL FOODS to usher in this TRANS-formation, why else do you think its THE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES THAT MAKE ANIMAL FOODS SO CHEAP AND READILY AVAILABLE IN SCHOOLS, INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC CAFETERIAS AND ORGANIC PRODUCE SO SPARSE AND EXPENSIVE?! You really think they're TRYING TO PUSH VEGANISM, when the government and industry has fought tooth and nail to PREVENT the knowledge of the whole plant food vegan lifestyle, which is the ONLY lifestyle CLINICALLY PROVEN to not only prevent, but

All of the science literature on a proper vegan impact is PROVEN to be far healthier for every aspect of life, from the ecological, to the ethical, to the health and nutritional. See my post "
The TRUTH About the "Vegan Agenda" here >>

I absolutely LAUGH OUT LOUD every time I see or hear people spewing fear about so called "terror" organizations like ISIS  etc etc, which are literally the equivalent harm of plucking a hair on the collective head of humanity compared to the WORLDS LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH WHICH ARE ALL CAUSED BY ANIMAL FOODS.

Study and then apply proper #veganism, a whole plant food diet to eliminate 90% of your exposure to toxins and pathogens, but not just to LIMIT intake of them, but to actively DETOXIFY them from your system and maintain your biological birth gender (kidding, thats a joke!  but its true)  ;) Look forward my full video presentations coming soon!

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 MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND WISDOM! Cullen Smith at Lifting The Veil

Stay Healthy! SEE YOU SOON! Look forward to the full video presentation coming soon!

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Everything About Animal Foods Cause Cancer! Not Just Red Meat

full images pDF here

Foreword: much of the cited studies are archived and curated by All credit due to the team for their hard work and dedication to public health! Please support their work.

NOTICE: this is a rough draft presentation, and is still largely unfinished. But it's too important to not make public, so I decided to anyways. This will be my continual go-to archive and will be continually updated with new information and science as it comes out.

BREAKING NEWS HEADLINE! By Mike Adams again...(But FALSE!)


EVERYTHING about animal products, meat itself, the compunds IN MEAT, ALL MEAT and in ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS, not just RED meat, that CAUSE, not only CANCER, but an entire sleuth of deadly and chronic health dis-eases. To erroneously claim otherwise would be very ignorant of certain aspects of biochemistry, nutrition and toxicology studies in epidemiology, control trials, intervention studies, prospective studies, systematic reviews, & meta analyses. 

Its far more than just any single isolated compound in meat such as ADDED nitrites that causes cancer, but it's actually an unholy synergy of many compounds. Lets fully cover ALL OF THE FACTORS, and WHY! 



Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is a natural human growth hormone instrumental in normal growth during childhood, but in adulthood can promote abnormal growth—the proliferation, spread (metastasis), and invasion of cancer.

For further context, be sure to check out Dr Michael Greger's associated blog post at
NutritionFacts.orghighlighting ALL the clinical science around this research covered in the presentation here:  Animal Protein and the Cancer Promoter IGF-1.

Michael Greger M.D. FACLM on February 14th, 2013"For years we didn’t know why eating a plant-based diet appeared to so dramatically improve cancer defenses within just a matter of weeks. But researchers recently figured it out: eating healthy lowers the level of the cancer promoting growth hormone IGF-1. This saga was detailed in the last four blog posts:" Cancer-Proofing Your BodyHow Do Plant-Based Diets Fight Cancer?Vegan Men: More Testosterone But Less Cancer" (with cited studies and charts from the studies further down.

Animal protein consumption triggers the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1.

He goes on to present:
"In The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle, we established that the reason the blood of those eating plant-based diets appeared 8 TIMES better at fighting cancer cell growth (see Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay), is likely due to the drop in IGF-1 levels, especially in those following vegan diets (see How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1?).  Now it appears we know why—their avoidance of animal protein. Let’s go one level deeper, and ask why animal protein preferentially triggers IGF-1 release.

Three years ago, I profiled a remarkable series of experiments about IGF-1—insulin-like growth factor 1—this cancer-promoting growth hormone, released in excess amounts by our liver when we eat animal protein. So, men and women who don’t eat meat, egg whites, or dairy proteins have significantly lower levels circulating within their bodies.
How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1?Those eating #vegan had significantly lower IGF-1 levels and higher IGF-binding proteins than those just eating vegetarian, suggesting that the more plant-based one’s diet becomes, the lower one’s risk of fueling growth hormone-dependent cancer growth.

Switching people to a plant-based diet can significantly lower IGF-1 levels within just 11 days, markedly improving the ability of women’s bloodstreams to suppress breast cancer growth, and then kill breast cancer cells off.

Similarly, the blood serum of men on plant-based diets suppresses prostate cancer cell growth about eight times better than before they changed their diet. This dramatic improvement in cancer defenses is, however, abolished if you add back just the amount of IGF-1 banished from their systems because they were eating and living healthier.This is one way to explain the low rates of cancer among plant-based populations: the drop in animal protein intake leads to a drop in IGF-1, which leads to a drop in cancer growth. An effect so powerful, Dr. Dean Ornish and colleagues appeared to be able to reverse the progression of prostate cancer without chemo, surgery, or radiation—just a plant-based diet, and other healthy lifestyle changes.

Now, when we’re kids, we need growth hormones to grow. There’s a rare genetic defect that causes severe IGF-1 deficiency, leading to a type of dwarfism—but also apparently makes you effectively cancer-proof. Not a single death from cancer in about 100 individuals with IGF-1 deficiency. How about 200 individuals? None developed cancer. See, most malignant tumors are covered in IGF-1 receptors. But if there’s no IGF-1 around, then they may not be able to grow and spread."

IGF-1 as One-Stop Cancer Shop

Cited clinical literature:
Yang SY, Miah A, Pabari A, Winslet M. Growth Factors and their receptors in cancer metastases. Front Biosci. 2011 Jan 1;16:531-8.Zhang Y, Ma B, Fan Q. Mechanisms of breast cancer bone metastasis. Cancer Lett. 2010 Jun 1;292(1):1-7.Kleinberg DL, Wood TL, Furth PA, Lee AV. Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in the Transition from Normal Mammary Development to Preneoplastic Mammary Lesions. Endocr Rev. 2009 Feb;30(1):51-74.

Salvioli S, Capri M, Bucci L, Lanni C, Racchi M, Uberti D, Memo M, Mari D, Govoni S, Franceschi C. Why do centenarians escape or postpone cancer? The role of IGF-1, inflammation and p53. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2009 Dec;58(12):1909-17.Endogenous Hormones and Breast Cancer Collaborative Group, Key TJ, Appleby PN, Reeves GK, Roddam AW. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP3), and breast cancer risk: pooled individual data analysis of 17 prospective studies. Lancet Oncol. 2010 Jun;11(6):530-42Rowlands MA, Gunnell D, Harris R, Vatten LJ, Holly JM, Martin RM. Circulating insulin-like growth factor peptides and prostate cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cancer. 2009 May 15;124(10):2416-29.

Piantanelli L. Cancer and aging: from the kinetics of biological parameters to the kinetics of cancer incidence and mortality. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988;521:99-109.
Cancer-Proofing MutationCongenital IGF-1 deficiency can lead to Laron Syndrome (a type of dwarfism); but with such low growth hormone levels, those with the condition have dramatically lower cancer rates. This raises the question of whether one can achieve the best of both worlds—by ensuring adequate IGF-1 levels during childhood, while then suppressing excess growth promotion in adulthood.

Higher Quality" Protein May Mean Higher RiskThe reason animal proteins trigger the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1 more than plant proteins may be because the relative ratios of amino acids in animal proteins more closely resembles our own.

Animalistic Plant ProteinsWhile animal proteins increase levels of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1, and most plant proteins bring levels down, “high quality” plant proteins, such as soy, may not significantly affect levels in either direction. This, however, may depend on the quantity consumed.

6,000 men and women over age 50 from across the U.S. were followed for 18 years, and those under age 65 with high protein intakes had a 75% increase in overall mortality, and a fourfold increase in the risk of dying from cancer. But not all proteins; these associations were either abolished or attenuated if the proteins were plant-derived. This all makes sense, given the higher IGF-1 levels among those eating lots of animal protein.

 The sponsoring university sent out a press release with a memorable opening line: “That chicken wing you’re eating could be as deadly as a cigarette,” explaining that eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle age makes you four times more likely to die from cancer than someone with a low-protein diet—a mortality risk factor comparable to smoking cigarettes. And when they say low-protein diet, what they actually mean is just getting the recommended amount of protein.

“Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancerous cell in them at some point. The question is: Does it progress?” said one of the lead researchers. That may depend on what we eat.

“The question is not whether a certain diet allows you to do well in the short term,” one of the researchers noted. “But can it help you survive to be 100?” It wasn’t just more deaths from cancer; middle-aged people who eat lots of protein from animal sources were found to be more susceptible to early death in general. Crucially, the same did not apply to plant proteins, like beans. And it wasn’t the fat, but the animal protein that appeared to be the culprit.

What was the response to the revelation that diets high in meat, eggs, and dairy could be as harmful to health as smoking? Well, one nutrition scientist replied that it was potentially dangerous. It could damage the effectiveness of important public health messages. A smoker might think, “Why bother quitting smoking if my ham and cheese sandwich is just as bad for me?'”


Plant-Based Bodybuilding

Lower levels of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1 in those eating vegan is not expected to affect their accumulation of muscle mass.

Protein Putrefaction (THE GREAT PUTRI-FACTOR-y )

Basic chemistry:
When matter begins to decay, carbs ferment and protein putrefies.

start off with some super fresh esoteric etymology, and then we will get into the meatandpotatoes issue of the clinical nutritional science that is never covered in the msm articles abouttheseissues.

The following excerpt
is from the context of my previous mind blowing symbolic presentationaboutLady Gaga called "The Fame Monster: Occult Mythology and Symbolism" check it out, it will absolutely blow you away.

PUTRID  comes from the root "P U" meaning "to ROT, FOUL, STINKING," which is linked to PUS, "a foul discharge",  as in a PUStule, which is exactly why when something is disgusting, rotting & foul or PU-trid, we exclaim "P U!" because it smells horrible, like a rotting corpse, WHICH IS EXACTY WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR GUT WHEN YOU EAT ANIMAL PROTEIN because it P U trifies, smells like DEATH and becomes HIGHLY TOXIC!

Linked to PUTRID is Latin PUS "pus, matter from a sore;" figuratively "BITTERNESS, malice" (related to puter "rotten" and putere "to stink"), from PIE *pu- (2) "to rot, decay" (source also of Sanskrit puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul, rotten;" Greek puon "discharge from a sore," pythein "to cause to rot;" Lithuanian puviu "to rot;" Gothic fuls, Old English ful  "FOUL"

See my full presentation "
#KetoCrotch: The Foul Smelling Fad, Etymology & Science" for so much more science and insight on eye opening linguistics!

When animal protein begins to PUTREFY in the gut, it produces a HIGHLY CARCINOGENIC chemical called HYDROGEN SULFIDE which destroys the gut and causes bowel cancer, IBS, Crohns, leaky gut and more. 

When animal protein begins to putrefy in the gut, it produces a HIGHLY CARCINOGENIC chemical gas called
HYDROGEN SULFIDE which smells like ROTTEN EGGS, and destroys the gut lining and causes bowel #cancer, #IBS, #Crohns, #leakygut and more.

 Wars: Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Butyrate

Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease.

NY Times Best Selling author and world renown Robin Hood of clinical nutritional science,  Michael Greger M.D. founder of the modern day "Library of Alexandria of nutritional science" website presents:

"Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease."

It’s been estimated that with a typical Western diet, up to 12 grams of protein per day can escape digestion, and when it reaches the colon, it can be turned into toxic substances like ammonia. This degradation of undigested protein in the colon is called putrefaction, so a little meat can actually end up putrefying in our colon. The problem is that some of the by-products of this putrefaction can be toxic.It’s generally accepted that carbohydrate fermentation—the fiber and resistant starches that reach our colon—results in beneficial effects for the host because of the generation of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, whereas protein fermentation is considered detrimental for us. Protein fermentation mainly occurs in the lower end of the colon, when carbohydrates get depleted, and results in the production of potentially toxic metabolites. Perhaps that’s why we see more colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis lower down, because that’s where the protein is putrefying. The simplest strategy to reduce the degree of potentially harmful compounds by protein fermentation is probably a reduction in dietary protein intake.But, the accumulation of these harmful byproducts of protein metabolism may be attenuated by the fermentation of undigested plant matter. This study showed that if you give people foods containing resistant starch—starch resistant to small intestine digestion so it can feed our good bacteria down in our colon–foods such as cooked beans, peas, lentils, raw oatmeal, and cold pasta, you can block the accumulation of potentially harmful byproducts of protein metabolism. The more starch ended up in the stool, the less ammonia, for example.But there’s protein in plants too. The difference is that animal proteins tend to have more sulfur-containing amino acids like methionine, which can be turned into hydrogen sulfide in our colon–the rotten egg gas that may play a role in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis, as I’ve covered previously."


The high bacteria load in raw or cooked animal foods and fermented foods may trigger an endotoxemic surge of inflammation, which may be exacerbated by the presence of saturated animal fat. see Dead Meat Bacteria Endotoxemia 
Taurocholic Acid Metabolism by Gut Microbes and Colon Cancer

""COLORECTAL CANCER (CRC) IS ONE OF THE MOST FREQUENT CAUSES OF CANCER DEATH WORLDWIDE AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH ADOPTION OF A DIET HIGH IN ANIMAL PROTEIN AND SATURATED FAT. Saturated fat induces increased bile secretion into the intestine. Increased bile secretion selects for populations of gut microbes capable of altering the bile acid pool, generating tumor-promoting secondary bile acids such as deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid. Epidemiological evidence suggests CRC is associated with increased levels of DCA in serum, bile, and stool. Mechanisms by which secondary bile acids promote CRC are explored.

Furthermore, in humans, bile acid conjugation can vary by diet. Vegetarian diets favor glycine conjugation while diets high in animal protein favor taurine conjugation.

Metabolism of taurine conjugated bile acids by gut microbes generates hydrogen sulfide, a genotoxic compound. Thus, taurocholic acid has the potential to stimulate intestinal bacteria capable of converting taurine and cholic acid to hydrogen sulfide and deoxycholic acid, a genotoxin and tumor-promoter, respectively."

M. Ridlon, Jason & Wolf, Patricia & Gaskins, Rex. (2016). Taurocholic Acid Metabolism by Gut Microbes and Colon Cancer. Gut Microbes. 7. 00-00. 10.1080/19490976.2016.1150414.

Then we also have the carcinogenic decaying animal amines PUTRESCINE, CADAVERINE, and spermine which also have toxicological effects. You all need to do your serious homework on what exactly is in animal foods. Nutrients are not just a beneficial aspect of biochemistry. The most important study is of detrimental effects of nutrition.

New Corpse Smell
Compounds released from the putrefaction of flesh can cause a common form of seafood poisoning.
"Woman eats some mackerel at a restaurant, and just collapses. When fish starts spoiling, toxins can be released—even when the fish still tastes and smells fine—and can cause what may actually be the most common cause of food poisoning from fish.
See, when flesh decomposes, it releases chemicals that can have a toxic effect—like putrescine, and cadaverine, which is the “new corpse smell” that they use to train cadaver-sniffing dogs.

But it’s not just fish. When all carcasses rot, you get these decaying flesh compounds, including spermine, actually, which is what gives semen its characteristic odor. But it really depends just what kind of bacteria are involved in the putrefaction process.
To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. This is just an approximation of the audio contributed by veganmontreal."

Biogenic amines such as spermine, cadaverine, and putrescine are chemical compounds of decay that may have adverse health effects. Which foods are most contaminated: beer, blue cheese, feta cheese, kimchi, miso, sardines, sauerkraut, sausage, soy sauce, tempeh, tuna, or wine?

Animal foods do nothing but harm
. Plants have all the good stuff, all the CANCER REVERSING compounds in phytonutrients like polypenols, antioxidants, flavanoids, carotenoids and most importantly, PREBIOTICS or simply all of those dreaded HARSH FIBERS that promote nothing but health and well being, which binds toxins and sweeps the gut clean and proliferates extremely beneficial bacterial colonies, producing champion metabolites like short and medium chain fatty acids "SCFA & MCFA" such as butyrate, propionate, serotonin and dopamine, which prevent and reverse anxiety, depression, neurodegeneration and behavioral diseases such as dementia, parkinsons, & autism.

Animal foods do all the exact inverse of this, completely negating whatever beneficial nutrients it has such as IRON AND ZINC. But here’s the kicker about HEME IRON in meat, yes its more easily absorbed in a bioavailable form, however this is not a good thing!

MEN CANNOT ELIMINATE too much iron, and IRON IS AN OXIDANT, it OXIDIZES or RUSTS, and it bioaccumulates in the muscle tissue, causing oxidative stress from free radicals produced during oxidation, and isn't it IRONIC that

Heme iron, the type found predominantly in blood and muscle, is absorbed better than the non-heme iron that predominates in plants, but may increase the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.

J Hunnicutt, K He, P Xun. Dietary iron intake and body iron stores are associated with risk of coronary heart disease in a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. J Nutr. 2014 Mar;144(3):359-66 doi: 10.3945/jn.113.185124.

T K Lam, M Rotunno, B M Ryan, A C Pesatori, P A Bertazzi, M Spitz, N E Caporaso, M T Landi. Heme-related gene expression signatures of meat intakes in lung cancer tissues. Mol Carcinog. 2014 Jul;53(7):548-56. doi: 10.1002/mc.22006.

A V Saunders, W J Craig, S K Baines, J S Posen. Iron and vegetarian diets. Med J Aust. 2013 Aug 19;199(4 Suppl):S11-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.176.

J Kaluza, S C Larsson, N Håkansson, A Wolk. Heme iron intake and acute myocardial infarction: a prospective study of men. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Mar 1;172(1):155-60. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.176.

EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food. Scientific Opinion on the safety of heme iron (blood peptonates) for the proposed uses as a source of iron added for nutritional purposes to foods for the general population, including food supplements. EFSA Journal 2010;8(4):1585 [31pp.]. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1585

PROTEINS are what cause ACIDOSIS
and heavily acidic metabolic byproducts which cause lymphatic stagnation in the intersticial spaces between cells, which creates ideal environment for cells to bathe in their own waste until they become mutagenic (cancer) and begin to metastasize.

A high-protein intake was found to result in a mild metabolic acidosis (Frassetto et al. 1998). Again, it appears that sulfur (amino acid) content correlated with renal net acid excretion (Frassetto et al. 1998). "

Plant-based diets may be protective against multiple sclerosis because IGF-1 can prevent our immune system from eliminating autoimmune cells. In other words, animal protein triggers an inflammatory response mechanism by the Lymphatic system to ATTACK FOREIGN (ANIMAL) PROTEINS (viruses, bacteria and pathogens).

Preventing Kidney Failure Through Diet

Animal protien also causes renal failure due to hyperfiltration to eliminate heavy nitrogen acid loads from all the putrefying (decaying) protiens.   

"Given how vascular our kidneys are, it should comes as no surprise that animal protein, animal fat, and cholesterol are associated with declining kidney function (microalbuminurea—loss of protein in the urine), which can be an early warning sign not only for kidney failure, but also for heart disease and a shortened lifespan."

Even just the act of COOKING animal protein causes the formation of
heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These are highly carcinogenic compounds.

They’re group 1 carcinogens according to the World Health Organization, which is the worst kind there is.

These carcinogens and mutagens in meat have been clearly linked to increased rates of tumors in the colon, stomach, prostate, and breasts, among other areas. (

Heterocyclic amines are found in meat. Vegans don’t have to worry about eating them, because their formation requires the presence of this specific amino acid.

Cooking meat of just about any kind will create them. Grilling, frying, and other concentrated high-heat sources will produce more. Boiling/steaming will produce less. (

Anytime you burn CARBON it produces carcinogens formed at high temperatures, in animal foods as heterocyclic amines, benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and in plant foods as acrylamide.

This is why grilling is the most toxic form of food you can eat. If you want to cut down on carcinogenic meat, you need to BOIL IT. NOT GRILL IT. 

Heterocyclic Amines in Eggs, Cheese, & Creatine?

Even vegetarians could potentially be exposed to the carcinogens typically formed by cooking meat through eggs, cheese, creatine sports supplements, and cigarette smoke.





Advanced glycation end products

And dont give me bullshit about eating RAW organ meats, or RAW Dairy either, unless you want tapeworms in the gut, tapeworm larvae in the eyes, brain, and all throughout the muscle tissue of your body, known as cycticerosis. 

How many of you know what percentage of dairy cattle herds have been tested positive for BOVINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS??

Exactly 90% of course.

All dairy cattle go to slaughter for meat after theyre abused to their limit and “go down” from exhaustion and exploited to death from being raped and torn from their calf about 20 consecutive times in their short life. 

Dr John McDougall writes about the numerous factors of high fat (animal food) diets on cancer and numerous other hormone driven chronic diseases in his blog accompanied by cited clinical studies, as always:

A high fat diet encourages growth of the bacteria in the colon that produce enzymes that uncouple those unabsorbable estrogen complexes formed in the liver. Then the uncoupled “free” estrogen is absorbed back into the blood stream, resulting in higher total levels of estrogen in the woman’s body. Fats, especially meat fats, will encourage the growth of these colon bacteria that are capable of splitting these complexes. Obviously, this means of making free-estrogens available for re-absorption can contribute to a situation that favor development of breast cancer.Fortunately, fibers present in vegetable foods also help to block the absorption of “free” estrogens found in the bowel.Vegetarian women, compared with those who eat meats, excrete 2 to 3 times more estrogen in their feces. Furthermore, the blood levels of certain powerful estrogens are 50% lower than are those in meat-eaters."

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Electric Womb/Man: Esoteric Anatomy

As a classic morphic structure of human musculature, like links in a chain or harmonic waves of resonance, the human body is designed for functionality and expression.

Muscles store capacity for electrical charge like a battery. The currency of that energy is called glycogen, utilized through a biological process called glycolysis. The only food that replenishes glycogen stores in muscle tissue is CARBOHYDRATE! Preferably HIGH STARCH! 👉🍌🥔🌽🥕🥦🍠🍜🍚🍛 cited reserch!

most people are running around in a constant state of chronic glycogen depletion leading to low energy, lethargy and sloth, especially low carbers. Another major contributor to low energy and weakness are high protein/high fat diets & intromyocellular lipidemia (fat inside the muscle cells) which blocks insulin receptors on the cell membrane, preventing glucose and insulin from entering the cells to be burned as atp for energy. . 🥱🥱

Fat 👉🥛🥩🥓🥚🧈🧀🍕🍟also causes post prandial lipemia or sludge blood, (best shown in the
@gamechangersmovie on netflix) thickening the viscosity of the blood making it flow slowly and also changing the charge of the red blood cell, making them clump together like magnets rather than repelling, which also inhibits oxygenation, nutrition and waste elimination of the cells. Leading to higher risk of heart disease, death & much more. ☠️🧖


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