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The Truth about the #Vegan agenda.

#veganism #LiftingTheVeil
"I’m simply here to show you what is really going on every second of every day all around the world behind closed doors. To present evidence—for your consideration—that things are not at all as they appear.

Undoing a life-long belief is no easy task. But in order to make informed decisions, to look ourselves in the mirror and ask if we are truly living the values we purport to have, we must know the truth. We must educate ourselves about what is really going on, not rely on what we’ve been taught. We must make decisions based on facts, not fantasy." Emily Barwick

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Everything About Animal Foods Cause Cancer! Not Just Red Meat

full images pDF here

Foreword: much of the cited studies are archived and curated by All credit due to the team for their hard work and dedication to public health! Please support their work.

NOTICE: this is a rough draft presentation, and is still largely unfinished. But it's too important to not make public, so I decided to anyways. This will be my continual go-to archive and will be continually updated with new information and science as it comes out.

BREAKING NEWS HEADLINE! By Mike Adams again...(But FALSE!)


EVERYTHING about animal products, meat itself, the compunds IN MEAT, ALL MEAT and in ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS, not just RED meat, that CAUSE, not only CANCER, but an entire sleuth of deadly and chronic health dis-eases. To erroneously claim otherwise would be very ignorant of certain aspects of biochemistry, nutrition and toxicology studies in epidemiology, control trials, intervention studies, prospective studies, systematic reviews, & meta analyses. 

Its far more than just any single isolated compound in meat such as ADDED nitrites that causes cancer, but it's actually an unholy synergy of many compounds. Lets fully cover ALL OF THE FACTORS, and WHY! 



Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is a natural human growth hormone instrumental in normal growth during childhood, but in adulthood can promote abnormal growth—the proliferation, spread (metastasis), and invasion of cancer.

For further context, be sure to check out Dr Michael Greger's associated blog post at
NutritionFacts.orghighlighting ALL the clinical science around this research covered in the presentation here:  Animal Protein and the Cancer Promoter IGF-1.

Michael Greger M.D. FACLM on February 14th, 2013"For years we didn’t know why eating a plant-based diet appeared to so dramatically improve cancer defenses within just a matter of weeks. But researchers recently figured it out: eating healthy lowers the level of the cancer promoting growth hormone IGF-1. This saga was detailed in the last four blog posts:" Cancer-Proofing Your BodyHow Do Plant-Based Diets Fight Cancer?Vegan Men: More Testosterone But Less Cancer" (with cited studies and charts from the studies further down.

Animal protein consumption triggers the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1.

He goes on to present:
"In The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle, we established that the reason the blood of those eating plant-based diets appeared 8 TIMES better at fighting cancer cell growth (see Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay), is likely due to the drop in IGF-1 levels, especially in those following vegan diets (see How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1?).  Now it appears we know why—their avoidance of animal protein. Let’s go one level deeper, and ask why animal protein preferentially triggers IGF-1 release.

Three years ago, I profiled a remarkable series of experiments about IGF-1—insulin-like growth factor 1—this cancer-promoting growth hormone, released in excess amounts by our liver when we eat animal protein. So, men and women who don’t eat meat, egg whites, or dairy proteins have significantly lower levels circulating within their bodies.
How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1?Those eating #vegan had significantly lower IGF-1 levels and higher IGF-binding proteins than those just eating vegetarian, suggesting that the more plant-based one’s diet becomes, the lower one’s risk of fueling growth hormone-dependent cancer growth.

Switching people to a plant-based diet can significantly lower IGF-1 levels within just 11 days, markedly improving the ability of women’s bloodstreams to suppress breast cancer growth, and then kill breast cancer cells off.

Similarly, the blood serum of men on plant-based diets suppresses prostate cancer cell growth about eight times better than before they changed their diet. This dramatic improvement in cancer defenses is, however, abolished if you add back just the amount of IGF-1 banished from their systems because they were eating and living healthier.This is one way to explain the low rates of cancer among plant-based populations: the drop in animal protein intake leads to a drop in IGF-1, which leads to a drop in cancer growth. An effect so powerful, Dr. Dean Ornish and colleagues appeared to be able to reverse the progression of prostate cancer without chemo, surgery, or radiation—just a plant-based diet, and other healthy lifestyle changes.

Now, when we’re kids, we need growth hormones to grow. There’s a rare genetic defect that causes severe IGF-1 deficiency, leading to a type of dwarfism—but also apparently makes you effectively cancer-proof. Not a single death from cancer in about 100 individuals with IGF-1 deficiency. How about 200 individuals? None developed cancer. See, most malignant tumors are covered in IGF-1 receptors. But if there’s no IGF-1 around, then they may not be able to grow and spread."

IGF-1 as One-Stop Cancer Shop

Cited clinical literature:
Yang SY, Miah A, Pabari A, Winslet M. Growth Factors and their receptors in cancer metastases. Front Biosci. 2011 Jan 1;16:531-8.Zhang Y, Ma B, Fan Q. Mechanisms of breast cancer bone metastasis. Cancer Lett. 2010 Jun 1;292(1):1-7.Kleinberg DL, Wood TL, Furth PA, Lee AV. Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in the Transition from Normal Mammary Development to Preneoplastic Mammary Lesions. Endocr Rev. 2009 Feb;30(1):51-74.

Salvioli S, Capri M, Bucci L, Lanni C, Racchi M, Uberti D, Memo M, Mari D, Govoni S, Franceschi C. Why do centenarians escape or postpone cancer? The role of IGF-1, inflammation and p53. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2009 Dec;58(12):1909-17.Endogenous Hormones and Breast Cancer Collaborative Group, Key TJ, Appleby PN, Reeves GK, Roddam AW. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP3), and breast cancer risk: pooled individual data analysis of 17 prospective studies. Lancet Oncol. 2010 Jun;11(6):530-42Rowlands MA, Gunnell D, Harris R, Vatten LJ, Holly JM, Martin RM. Circulating insulin-like growth factor peptides and prostate cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cancer. 2009 May 15;124(10):2416-29.

Piantanelli L. Cancer and aging: from the kinetics of biological parameters to the kinetics of cancer incidence and mortality. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988;521:99-109.
Cancer-Proofing MutationCongenital IGF-1 deficiency can lead to Laron Syndrome (a type of dwarfism); but with such low growth hormone levels, those with the condition have dramatically lower cancer rates. This raises the question of whether one can achieve the best of both worlds—by ensuring adequate IGF-1 levels during childhood, while then suppressing excess growth promotion in adulthood.

Higher Quality" Protein May Mean Higher RiskThe reason animal proteins trigger the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1 more than plant proteins may be because the relative ratios of amino acids in animal proteins more closely resembles our own.

Animalistic Plant ProteinsWhile animal proteins increase levels of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1, and most plant proteins bring levels down, “high quality” plant proteins, such as soy, may not significantly affect levels in either direction. This, however, may depend on the quantity consumed.

6,000 men and women over age 50 from across the U.S. were followed for 18 years, and those under age 65 with high protein intakes had a 75% increase in overall mortality, and a fourfold increase in the risk of dying from cancer. But not all proteins; these associations were either abolished or attenuated if the proteins were plant-derived. This all makes sense, given the higher IGF-1 levels among those eating lots of animal protein.

 The sponsoring university sent out a press release with a memorable opening line: “That chicken wing you’re eating could be as deadly as a cigarette,” explaining that eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle age makes you four times more likely to die from cancer than someone with a low-protein diet—a mortality risk factor comparable to smoking cigarettes. And when they say low-protein diet, what they actually mean is just getting the recommended amount of protein.

“Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancerous cell in them at some point. The question is: Does it progress?” said one of the lead researchers. That may depend on what we eat.

“The question is not whether a certain diet allows you to do well in the short term,” one of the researchers noted. “But can it help you survive to be 100?” It wasn’t just more deaths from cancer; middle-aged people who eat lots of protein from animal sources were found to be more susceptible to early death in general. Crucially, the same did not apply to plant proteins, like beans. And it wasn’t the fat, but the animal protein that appeared to be the culprit.

What was the response to the revelation that diets high in meat, eggs, and dairy could be as harmful to health as smoking? Well, one nutrition scientist replied that it was potentially dangerous. It could damage the effectiveness of important public health messages. A smoker might think, “Why bother quitting smoking if my ham and cheese sandwich is just as bad for me?'”


Plant-Based Bodybuilding

Lower levels of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1 in those eating vegan is not expected to affect their accumulation of muscle mass.

Protein Putrefaction (THE GREAT PUTRI-FACTOR-y )

Basic chemistry:
When matter begins to decay, carbs ferment and protein putrefies.

start off with some super fresh esoteric etymology, and then we will get into the meatandpotatoes issue of the clinical nutritional science that is never covered in the msm articles abouttheseissues.

The following excerpt
is from the context of my previous mind blowing symbolic presentationaboutLady Gaga called "The Fame Monster: Occult Mythology and Symbolism" check it out, it will absolutely blow you away.

PUTRID  comes from the root "P U" meaning "to ROT, FOUL, STINKING," which is linked to PUS, "a foul discharge",  as in a PUStule, which is exactly why when something is disgusting, rotting & foul or PU-trid, we exclaim "P U!" because it smells horrible, like a rotting corpse, WHICH IS EXACTY WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR GUT WHEN YOU EAT ANIMAL PROTEIN because it P U trifies, smells like DEATH and becomes HIGHLY TOXIC!

Linked to PUTRID is Latin PUS "pus, matter from a sore;" figuratively "BITTERNESS, malice" (related to puter "rotten" and putere "to stink"), from PIE *pu- (2) "to rot, decay" (source also of Sanskrit puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul, rotten;" Greek puon "discharge from a sore," pythein "to cause to rot;" Lithuanian puviu "to rot;" Gothic fuls, Old English ful  "FOUL"

See my full presentation "
#KetoCrotch: The Foul Smelling Fad, Etymology & Science" for so much more science and insight on eye opening linguistics!

When animal protein begins to PUTREFY in the gut, it produces a HIGHLY CARCINOGENIC chemical called HYDROGEN SULFIDE which destroys the gut and causes bowel cancer, IBS, Crohns, leaky gut and more. 

When animal protein begins to putrefy in the gut, it produces a HIGHLY CARCINOGENIC chemical gas called
HYDROGEN SULFIDE which smells like ROTTEN EGGS, and destroys the gut lining and causes bowel #cancer, #IBS, #Crohns, #leakygut and more.

 Wars: Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Butyrate

Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease.

NY Times Best Selling author and world renown Robin Hood of clinical nutritional science,  Michael Greger M.D. founder of the modern day "Library of Alexandria of nutritional science" website presents:

"Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease."

It’s been estimated that with a typical Western diet, up to 12 grams of protein per day can escape digestion, and when it reaches the colon, it can be turned into toxic substances like ammonia. This degradation of undigested protein in the colon is called putrefaction, so a little meat can actually end up putrefying in our colon. The problem is that some of the by-products of this putrefaction can be toxic.It’s generally accepted that carbohydrate fermentation—the fiber and resistant starches that reach our colon—results in beneficial effects for the host because of the generation of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, whereas protein fermentation is considered detrimental for us. Protein fermentation mainly occurs in the lower end of the colon, when carbohydrates get depleted, and results in the production of potentially toxic metabolites. Perhaps that’s why we see more colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis lower down, because that’s where the protein is putrefying. The simplest strategy to reduce the degree of potentially harmful compounds by protein fermentation is probably a reduction in dietary protein intake.But, the accumulation of these harmful byproducts of protein metabolism may be attenuated by the fermentation of undigested plant matter. This study showed that if you give people foods containing resistant starch—starch resistant to small intestine digestion so it can feed our good bacteria down in our colon–foods such as cooked beans, peas, lentils, raw oatmeal, and cold pasta, you can block the accumulation of potentially harmful byproducts of protein metabolism. The more starch ended up in the stool, the less ammonia, for example.But there’s protein in plants too. The difference is that animal proteins tend to have more sulfur-containing amino acids like methionine, which can be turned into hydrogen sulfide in our colon–the rotten egg gas that may play a role in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis, as I’ve covered previously."


The high bacteria load in raw or cooked animal foods and fermented foods may trigger an endotoxemic surge of inflammation, which may be exacerbated by the presence of saturated animal fat. see Dead Meat Bacteria Endotoxemia 
Taurocholic Acid Metabolism by Gut Microbes and Colon Cancer

""COLORECTAL CANCER (CRC) IS ONE OF THE MOST FREQUENT CAUSES OF CANCER DEATH WORLDWIDE AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH ADOPTION OF A DIET HIGH IN ANIMAL PROTEIN AND SATURATED FAT. Saturated fat induces increased bile secretion into the intestine. Increased bile secretion selects for populations of gut microbes capable of altering the bile acid pool, generating tumor-promoting secondary bile acids such as deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid. Epidemiological evidence suggests CRC is associated with increased levels of DCA in serum, bile, and stool. Mechanisms by which secondary bile acids promote CRC are explored.

Furthermore, in humans, bile acid conjugation can vary by diet. Vegetarian diets favor glycine conjugation while diets high in animal protein favor taurine conjugation.

Metabolism of taurine conjugated bile acids by gut microbes generates hydrogen sulfide, a genotoxic compound. Thus, taurocholic acid has the potential to stimulate intestinal bacteria capable of converting taurine and cholic acid to hydrogen sulfide and deoxycholic acid, a genotoxin and tumor-promoter, respectively."

M. Ridlon, Jason & Wolf, Patricia & Gaskins, Rex. (2016). Taurocholic Acid Metabolism by Gut Microbes and Colon Cancer. Gut Microbes. 7. 00-00. 10.1080/19490976.2016.1150414.

Then we also have the carcinogenic decaying animal amines PUTRESCINE, CADAVERINE, and spermine which also have toxicological effects. You all need to do your serious homework on what exactly is in animal foods. Nutrients are not just a beneficial aspect of biochemistry. The most important study is of detrimental effects of nutrition.

New Corpse Smell
Compounds released from the putrefaction of flesh can cause a common form of seafood poisoning.
"Woman eats some mackerel at a restaurant, and just collapses. When fish starts spoiling, toxins can be released—even when the fish still tastes and smells fine—and can cause what may actually be the most common cause of food poisoning from fish.
See, when flesh decomposes, it releases chemicals that can have a toxic effect—like putrescine, and cadaverine, which is the “new corpse smell” that they use to train cadaver-sniffing dogs.

But it’s not just fish. When all carcasses rot, you get these decaying flesh compounds, including spermine, actually, which is what gives semen its characteristic odor. But it really depends just what kind of bacteria are involved in the putrefaction process.
To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. This is just an approximation of the audio contributed by veganmontreal."

Biogenic amines such as spermine, cadaverine, and putrescine are chemical compounds of decay that may have adverse health effects. Which foods are most contaminated: beer, blue cheese, feta cheese, kimchi, miso, sardines, sauerkraut, sausage, soy sauce, tempeh, tuna, or wine?

Animal foods do nothing but harm
. Plants have all the good stuff, all the CANCER REVERSING compounds in phytonutrients like polypenols, antioxidants, flavanoids, carotenoids and most importantly, PREBIOTICS or simply all of those dreaded HARSH FIBERS that promote nothing but health and well being, which binds toxins and sweeps the gut clean and proliferates extremely beneficial bacterial colonies, producing champion metabolites like short and medium chain fatty acids "SCFA & MCFA" such as butyrate, propionate, serotonin and dopamine, which prevent and reverse anxiety, depression, neurodegeneration and behavioral diseases such as dementia, parkinsons, & autism.

Animal foods do all the exact inverse of this, completely negating whatever beneficial nutrients it has such as IRON AND ZINC. But here’s the kicker about HEME IRON in meat, yes its more easily absorbed in a bioavailable form, however this is not a good thing!

MEN CANNOT ELIMINATE too much iron, and IRON IS AN OXIDANT, it OXIDIZES or RUSTS, and it bioaccumulates in the muscle tissue, causing oxidative stress from free radicals produced during oxidation, and isn't it IRONIC that

Heme iron, the type found predominantly in blood and muscle, is absorbed better than the non-heme iron that predominates in plants, but may increase the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.

J Hunnicutt, K He, P Xun. Dietary iron intake and body iron stores are associated with risk of coronary heart disease in a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. J Nutr. 2014 Mar;144(3):359-66 doi: 10.3945/jn.113.185124.

T K Lam, M Rotunno, B M Ryan, A C Pesatori, P A Bertazzi, M Spitz, N E Caporaso, M T Landi. Heme-related gene expression signatures of meat intakes in lung cancer tissues. Mol Carcinog. 2014 Jul;53(7):548-56. doi: 10.1002/mc.22006.

A V Saunders, W J Craig, S K Baines, J S Posen. Iron and vegetarian diets. Med J Aust. 2013 Aug 19;199(4 Suppl):S11-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.176.

J Kaluza, S C Larsson, N Håkansson, A Wolk. Heme iron intake and acute myocardial infarction: a prospective study of men. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Mar 1;172(1):155-60. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.176.

EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food. Scientific Opinion on the safety of heme iron (blood peptonates) for the proposed uses as a source of iron added for nutritional purposes to foods for the general population, including food supplements. EFSA Journal 2010;8(4):1585 [31pp.]. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1585

PROTEINS are what cause ACIDOSIS
and heavily acidic metabolic byproducts which cause lymphatic stagnation in the intersticial spaces between cells, which creates ideal environment for cells to bathe in their own waste until they become mutagenic (cancer) and begin to metastasize.

A high-protein intake was found to result in a mild metabolic acidosis (Frassetto et al. 1998). Again, it appears that sulfur (amino acid) content correlated with renal net acid excretion (Frassetto et al. 1998). "

Plant-based diets may be protective against multiple sclerosis because IGF-1 can prevent our immune system from eliminating autoimmune cells. In other words, animal protein triggers an inflammatory response mechanism by the Lymphatic system to ATTACK FOREIGN (ANIMAL) PROTEINS (viruses, bacteria and pathogens).

Preventing Kidney Failure Through Diet

Animal protien also causes renal failure due to hyperfiltration to eliminate heavy nitrogen acid loads from all the putrefying (decaying) protiens.   

"Given how vascular our kidneys are, it should comes as no surprise that animal protein, animal fat, and cholesterol are associated with declining kidney function (microalbuminurea—loss of protein in the urine), which can be an early warning sign not only for kidney failure, but also for heart disease and a shortened lifespan."

Even just the act of COOKING animal protein causes the formation of
heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These are highly carcinogenic compounds.

They’re group 1 carcinogens according to the World Health Organization, which is the worst kind there is.

These carcinogens and mutagens in meat have been clearly linked to increased rates of tumors in the colon, stomach, prostate, and breasts, among other areas. (

Heterocyclic amines are found in meat. Vegans don’t have to worry about eating them, because their formation requires the presence of this specific amino acid.

Cooking meat of just about any kind will create them. Grilling, frying, and other concentrated high-heat sources will produce more. Boiling/steaming will produce less. (

Anytime you burn CARBON it produces carcinogens formed at high temperatures, in animal foods as heterocyclic amines, benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and in plant foods as acrylamide.

This is why grilling is the most toxic form of food you can eat. If you want to cut down on carcinogenic meat, you need to BOIL IT. NOT GRILL IT. 

Heterocyclic Amines in Eggs, Cheese, & Creatine?

Even vegetarians could potentially be exposed to the carcinogens typically formed by cooking meat through eggs, cheese, creatine sports supplements, and cigarette smoke.





Advanced glycation end products

And dont give me bullshit about eating RAW organ meats, or RAW Dairy either, unless you want tapeworms in the gut, tapeworm larvae in the eyes, brain, and all throughout the muscle tissue of your body, known as cycticerosis. 

How many of you know what percentage of dairy cattle herds have been tested positive for BOVINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS??

Exactly 90% of course.

All dairy cattle go to slaughter for meat after theyre abused to their limit and “go down” from exhaustion and exploited to death from being raped and torn from their calf about 20 consecutive times in their short life. 

Dr John McDougall writes about the numerous factors of high fat (animal food) diets on cancer and numerous other hormone driven chronic diseases in his blog accompanied by cited clinical studies, as always:

A high fat diet encourages growth of the bacteria in the colon that produce enzymes that uncouple those unabsorbable estrogen complexes formed in the liver. Then the uncoupled “free” estrogen is absorbed back into the blood stream, resulting in higher total levels of estrogen in the woman’s body. Fats, especially meat fats, will encourage the growth of these colon bacteria that are capable of splitting these complexes. Obviously, this means of making free-estrogens available for re-absorption can contribute to a situation that favor development of breast cancer.Fortunately, fibers present in vegetable foods also help to block the absorption of “free” estrogens found in the bowel.Vegetarian women, compared with those who eat meats, excrete 2 to 3 times more estrogen in their feces. Furthermore, the blood levels of certain powerful estrogens are 50% lower than are those in meat-eaters."

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