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Luke Absolum Reid
Luke Absolum Reid
I am an artist and a dungeon master that enjoys bringing fantasy worlds to life through illustration.
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Displaying posts with tag Night.Reset Filter
Luke Absolum Reid
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Been struggling to be inspired lately to work on any maps, but I broke through that this week for my homebrew campaign. Here is an encounter map that takes place in Nyhst. I was just trying to do some experimentation with light and shortcuts for creating areas of light quickly. Definitely some great moments here, but as a whole I'm not sure it's working as well as I'd like. Still some experimentation to do. 
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Luke Absolum Reid
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Threw together this map for a presumed clash of my adventurers with an antagonist in Icewind Dale. It's a kennel/stable with an attached warehouse. Should work well for the quest "Cold-Hearted Killer". It's layered so you can overlay the loft and the roof on top of the building to create a more dynamic presentation to your group in Roll20. 

I am lukewarm on the final result. I wanted to make it look like the landscape was lit with the glow of the aurora that happens nightly from 12am - 7am, but I may have gone a bit overboard with the saturation. May tweak it a bit before I post it to Instagram. Also, the details inside the barn aren't all that finished, but I think it gets the point across. There are definitely some successes here though that I celebrate and am excited to bring to the next piece I end up doing.
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Luke Absolum Reid
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Did a couple variants of my recent mountain encounter map.  
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