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Luke Absolum Reid
Luke Absolum Reid
I am an artist and a dungeon master that enjoys bringing fantasy worlds to life through illustration.
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Luke Absolum Reid
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The first town in my 10 towns series gets its battlemap! 

The map is a triptych spanning 9ft long. With varied scenery to allow for many different uses when revealed in full or contained with fog of war in Roll20: small campsite near the river, bridge, orchard, forested hills, dirt road, etc. My goal with this series is to give DMs a bunch of tools to use while filling out their adventurers with quality generic scenery. There is a lot of fancy maps out there that I could never see myself using without creating an entire adventure around it. These are made with the intent of being re-used--not as generic as a basic battlemap, but also not as remarkable as to hinder their reuse. 
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Luke Absolum Reid
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Started a new series: Towns, Taverns and Terrain

Will be releasing town maps in ten different climes to help diversify my range a bit and provide a good variety of locations to add to Dravlun. I'm also working on a template for quick copy/paste  assets for internal encounter maps. By creating the taverns I'm also working on building that library out some.

Additionally, I tend to need those three items most when I bring my players to a new town. My players spend most mornings and evenings at taverns, just doing role play and interacting with the villagers, so having a placeholder will be super helpful. I also tend to plan encounters nearby town or traveling to and fro which is where the terrain come in.

This is the first town, Alton! A small farming village in a safe, northern region.
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Luke Absolum Reid
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Did a couple variants of my recent mountain encounter map.  
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Luke Absolum Reid
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With Icewind Dale's release looming in September I decided it would be timely to create some variant encounter maps that feature some winter scenes. I also will be running the new book for some friends and I'm sure i'll end up needing them. Each section is 24" x 36" a fantastic size for a sprawling battle and each piece is cut from the larger panorama. 
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Luke Absolum Reid
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Started my encounter map binge by unearthing one of the first maps I drew, EVER, for Dungeons and Dragons and gave it a digital makeover. I started my D&D cartography expedition back in 2017. I used to use large gridded easel paper to drawn my maps, coloring them in with colored pencil. Made me fall in love with art again. Before that I had gone about 10 years without really drawing at all. It feels fitting to unearth some of these old designs and rework them. 

Also, worked in a separate canopy layer to add some extra dimension to the map. Who knows, maybe you're players will be flying overhead when they are attacked by Gnolls on Wyverns. 
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Luke Absolum Reid
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This is Longsunder. Longsunder is a Dwarven redoubt at the heart of a small delta and swampland. It was fashioned as a forward operating base on the front of a war won long ago. It has since fallen into disrepair and was abandoned as the enemies that it hoped to deter are no longer a threat. Since it's vacancy, Longsunder has become a haven for a displaced people from a more recent conflict. They have built up around the fort in a much more sustainable way given the changing landscape of the flooded lands; however they maintain the fort as communal housing and gathering spaces for their religious ceremonies.
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