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Luke Absolum Reid
Luke Absolum Reid
I am an artist and a dungeon master that enjoys bringing fantasy worlds to life through illustration.
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Displaying posts with tag Ruin.Reset Filter
Luke Absolum Reid
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This is Longsunder. Longsunder is a Dwarven redoubt at the heart of a small delta and swampland. It was fashioned as a forward operating base on the front of a war won long ago. It has since fallen into disrepair and was abandoned as the enemies that it hoped to deter are no longer a threat. Since it's vacancy, Longsunder has become a haven for a displaced people from a more recent conflict. They have built up around the fort in a much more sustainable way given the changing landscape of the flooded lands; however they maintain the fort as communal housing and gathering spaces for their religious ceremonies.
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Luke Absolum Reid
Public post
Finished a combat map layout for The Ruined Heart Tree
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Luke Absolum Reid
Public post
Shanta Tirith, a decimated Elvish ruin that was once a healthy thriving city. The city suffered an extreme blast that snuffed out life as well as the civilization that once lived here.
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