Animeman73 profile
Legally blind and autistic commentator, reviewer, fiction writer, and photographer
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  • My Fantasy and Science fiction stories
Hello, everyone. it's time for the first of my fiction entries. For this I'll show off Chapter in the first Story Arc on my serial The Wilowsbrook Chronicles. All Gunther Willowsbrook wanted was a nice quiet Inn in the country where he and his friends could make some money, and live their lives in peace. Unfortunately, the world needs a new hero. All poor Gunther wants is some peace and quiet.

The Willowsbrook Chronicles Chapter 1: bad night in Ansolar



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Get a look at the man behind Animeman73. This is my second blog post sorry for the delay.

Bog Entry #2: Learning from the past

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Last night I presented the horror that was my review of Dragonball Evolution. Now it's time for some joy. I present my review of the cringy yet funny and smart movie Idiocracy.

Underrated Gems; Idiocracy

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Announcement: On June the 4th and 5th it's catch-up time on the channel. It's time for the debut of two new editions to my two movie review series. Get ready for Was it really that Bad: Dragonball Evolution. That movie review will go up on Tuesday.
On Wednesday June 5th a special surprise. This one comes via a request of a friend of mine on Facebook. I'll be reviewing the hilarious and cringy Idiocracy for Underrated Gems.
My blog entry and the next chapter of Clanless will go up ASAP. Stay tuned readers as June is going to be busy for me.

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Here are the last of my Sakura-Con 2024 pictures. Morfe pictures coming later this year.

21. Commander Peach of the U.S.S> Toriyama and Kilt Wearing next gen memeer
22. Voice actor Aaron Dismuke and I
23. Grey Fulbuster, Erza Scarlett, Juvia Locksar - One Piece
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