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Legally blind and autistic commentator, reviewer, fiction writer, and photographer
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  • My Fantasy and Science fiction stories

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Announcement: On June the 4th and 5th it's catch-up time on the channel. It's time for the debut of two new editions to my two movie review series. Get ready for Was it really that Bad: Dragonball Evolution. That movie review will go up on Tuesday.
On Wednesday June 5th a special surprise. This one comes via a request of a friend of mine on Facebook. I'll be reviewing the hilarious and cringy Idiocracy for Underrated Gems.
My blog entry and the next chapter of Clanless will go up ASAP. Stay tuned readers as June is going to be busy for me.

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Hello to all you good patrons. It’s time for my second story of the spring edition of the Magic o...

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Hello patrons, this is a story I put up previously but had to take down because of certain issues...

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It's time for a feel-good Christmas story. Ray Carlton is a man down on his luck. But his life is about to change. He's about to learn his connection to the holiday. And to a family with a strong Christmas legacy.

Christmas legacy

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Hello all, it’s time for a story from the fall edition of the Magic of the seasons challenge. Thi...

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Announcements: Later today the first of my long overdue Magic of the Seasons fall edition stories goes up.  In Story one Company Commander Jorvin Cumberland returns to his family's estate for a final meeting with his dying father. In a bittersweet tale of family setting aside differneces to come together again. The story goes up today at 5:30 PM pacific time. And is available to those of Local Patron membership or higher.

Tomorrow the second of my Magic of the Seasons fall stories goes up. at 5:30 PM. A farmer and his son go to meet the farmer's brother at a local spaceport. But even as they do there's signs on the colony world that trouble is coming. Get ready for Autumn Arrivals coming tomorrow at 5:30 PM.

Both Magic of the Seasons stories are available as part of the Commons benefit. The Commons is available to those of Local patron status on Minds. And to Local patron status or higher on Subscribestar.  Local Patron membership is available for the price of either 3 Minds tokens a month or $3.75 on Minds and Subscribestar.

Finally, my last Freebie story will be going up Christmas eve if all goes well. Ray Carlton was a man who had not that much to live for. But his life is about to change as he'll learn his connection to a family with a strong connection to Christmas. Ray Carlton is about come to understand the power of his ow Christmas legacy. If all goes well it'll be up at 5:30 PM Christmas Eve. 

Things are happening on my Minds and Subcribestar channels.

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