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Creator of The Untitled Project and YouTube Pooper
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The Untitled Update - 05/24


Happy to announce that my entry for my Foreign Exchange collab is now complete. While it was certainly more time-consuming than I would have liked (8 minutes total!), I'm very pleased with how it turned out and pleased in general with how the collab as a whole is shaping up. See the collab this August!

In the meantime, I'm just planning on a little R&R this weekend to get some wind in my sails to work TUP again. As always, be sure to become a subscriber today to catch the sneak peek for the upcoming episode!
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The Untitled Update - 03/24


<Seriously, who is this guy?>

Work continues slowly on TUP (six minutes now!), although it's taken a back seat for managing the Foreign Exchange collab and making an entry for it. Hoping to get the entry done next month alongside a couple IRL personal commitments to free me up to devote my free time entirely to this.

With all that said, I'm pretty excited for how my entry is turning out as well as the entries that have been submitted so far. It's been a challenge with the concept of using foreign sources, but everyone has been doing great so far and I'm very excited to share the collab with you all come August!

As before, if we hit our $16 goal, I will share an exclusive sneak peek of the latest episode of TUP on my Discord server to Finn and Jake subscribers.
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The Untitled Update: 01/24


Well, I kicked off my first ever collab. The idea had been rattling around in my head for a while and I figured now would be as good a time as any to make it. The collab is based around exchanging unfamiliar, foreign sources to make great YTPs, and it looks like we'll be able to take full advantage of the concept with over 50 participants and over 20 countries represented. While it's been a ton of work upfront making the announcement video, the Discord server, storyboards, and source lists together for everyone's countries, enthusiasm and excitement are high as we look forward to getting started! Expect the collab to drop late summer 2024!

Unsurprisingly, this has taken some time away from TUP, although that's also partly because I'm still gathering high resolution source material (upgrading from 480p to 1080p). Some small progress has been made though, and once sign-ups close for FE collab, I should have the time and sources to hit the ground running again.

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The Untitled Update: 11/23


Good news: I completed the first five minutes of the next episode of The Untitled Project!
Bad news: According to my estimates with the script I have, that only puts me at 7% completion. Hopefully this doesn't mean that the episode is going to be some hour-long endeavor to complete, but chances are it just means that I'm bad at estimating how long twenty scenes can be.

Sadly, do not expect a ton of progress in the next month as I have other commitments to friends and family this Christmas season, however, I have completed the sneak peek for the episode. Consider helping me reach my SubscribeStar goal where I will share the sneak peek with Finn and Jake subscribers on my Discord server.

Enjoy some more fanart from Kink Konk!
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The Untitled Update: 09/23


~~all "60 hour workweek" and no play makes Reciticus a dull boy~~

As you can probably guess, work has really been kicking my butt in August and September, but I can at least say that I've "broken ground" on TUP 2.5. A lot of this is due to August being audit season at my company, meaning theoretically I should free up in October but I know better than to set any reasonable expectations.

All that venting aside, Doug Walker Collab III came out and was a modest success, and I'm happy to say that TRXN's final Scooby-Doo collab has once again found its footing and should come out before the year ends. Again, this hopefully should tide people over for a while, although I'm considering making another quick YTP to prevent my channel from going stale. More on that to come.

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The Untitled Update: 07/23


Happy Fourth of July, America! And if you don't live in America, then happy ...

Fourth of July, or whatever.

Anyway, I am happy to announce that over half of the script for TUP 2.5 has been completed, meaning that I have finally broken ground on editing. Obviously, to be getting such a late start on editing means it will be a while before I can show anything, namely any sneak peek for my subscribers. However, it will be forthcoming, don't worry.

Sadly, no word yet on when the Scooby-Doo collab will be released, but Duck@zz has assured me that Doug Walker Collab III will be released in early September, so you guys won't be left wanting for new YTPs.
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